Running Peeves

BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
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1. Dog owner does not control dog.
2. Oncoming runner crosses over into my lane such that I have to slow down for them..
3. Slower runner in front is zigzagging making it tough to pass.
4. Group runners are talking so loud that they can’t hear you coming.
5. Fatigued runner walking decides that they are ready to run again the instant I pass them.
6. Cyclist driving like tour de France.
7. Car who has it by a mile but waits till I get there to go.
8. Slower runner in front has a burst of speed the instant I am passing.
9. Dog stuff on the ground.
10. Stationary people on the trail/track.


  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    My biggest is people running with the flow of traffic. I can't speak for countries other than U.S. and Canada, but it's street smart (not sure if that's the proper term) to run/walk against traffic because you can see cars/bikes/vehicles.

    Second would be runners/walkers who ignore traffic altogether. It's courtesy to stop for pedestrians, but not the law.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    4. Group runners are talking so loud that they can’t hear you coming.
    Or group walkers, walking 4 or 5 abreast. Taking up the entire trail. Talking so loud they don't hear you saying "left...on your left.....LEFT."
  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    Cars that won't move over when there is nothing in the other lane and I am forced into a ditch!!
  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    car drivers who think it's funny to blast the horn even though I'm running on the sidewalk .. teenagers man .. I tell ya. You can include shouting something unintelligible with this too.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    When you have to pee and everytime your foot hits the pavement or trail you get another reminder about just how close you are to peeing your pants.
  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 317
    The boy racers who think its funny to drive as fast and as close to you as possible without actually hitting you. Every damn time. B@stards!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i run and bike (triathlete in the making!! woot woot!!) and in my neighborhood there are a lot of bike paths, and one in particular is right next to a pedestrian walk way. yet i still have to deal with people walking and running on the bike path, and when i run, i have to deal with cyclists on the pedestrian path.
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    I run on the sidewalk down this long road and I really, really, really hate when people are walking towards me while I run... but they STILL don't move. Seriously? You haven't seen me approaching for the past half mile? Or when people get mad that I'm running. REALLY? Is this YOUR sidewalk?[Mainly] older people give me dirty looks when I pass them or say 'Excuse me' coming up behind them.
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    car drivers who think it's funny to blast the horn even though I'm running on the sidewalk .. teenagers man .. I tell ya. You can include shouting something unintelligible with this too.

    This too... but it only happens when I'm riding my bike... annoys me like none other.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Please add more…

    1. Dog owner does not control dog.
    2. Oncoming runner crosses over into my lane such that I have to slow down for them..
    3. Slower runner in front is zigzagging making it tough to pass.
    4. Group runners are talking so loud that they can’t hear you coming.
    5. Fatigued runner walking decides that they are ready to run again the instant I pass them.
    6. Cyclist driving like tour de France.
    7. Car who has it by a mile but waits till I get there to go.
    8. Slower runner in front has a burst of speed the instant I am passing.
    9. Dog stuff on the ground.
    10. Stationary people on the trail/track.

    I was thinking of taking up running, out in the sunshine, just me and mother nature........hmmm maybe the treadmill would be less stressful :bigsmile:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Please add more…

    1. Dog owner does not control dog.
    2. Oncoming runner crosses over into my lane such that I have to slow down for them..
    3. Slower runner in front is zigzagging making it tough to pass.
    4. Group runners are talking so loud that they can’t hear you coming.
    5. Fatigued runner walking decides that they are ready to run again the instant I pass them.
    6. Cyclist driving like tour de France.
    7. Car who has it by a mile but waits till I get there to go.
    8. Slower runner in front has a burst of speed the instant I am passing.
    9. Dog stuff on the ground.
    10. Stationary people on the trail/track.

    I was thinking of taking up running, out in the sunshine, just me and mother nature........hmmm maybe the treadmill would be less stressful :bigsmile:

    Nooooooooo! Don't be a slave to the treadmill!! Most of my outdoor runs are AWESOME!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Men in white vans who think they are funny when they comment on your boobs or suggest you run faster
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Last summer I was running on a sidewalk, approaching a grocery store parking lot (road on my left). As I came up to the entrance to the parking lot, maybe 5-7 feet from it, a pick up pulled into the lot right in front of me and I came very close to running into the side of it, and he pulled in really slow.

    Asshat! It was the middle of the day and I was clearly visible.....if he had looked. Or cared. I yelled a few choice words at him and slammed my hand on the back end as I ran around behind him.
  • Frayed_Ends
    Second would be runners/walkers who ignore traffic altogether. It's courtesy to stop for pedestrians, but not the law.

    Don't know about Canada, but in America it IS the law. Nothing irritates me more than a car that pulls into the crosswalk and tries to block the intersection instead of waiting the 10 seconds it takes me to cross.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    Men in white vans who think they are funny when they comment on your boobs or suggest you run faster

    Or those who run past you then turn around and make a stupid comment. Once this really old guy decided he would run next to me and try to make small talk. Didn't go over very well.

    But hey, 5 and 8. I'm guilty of those. People passing me is great motivation lol.
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    i run and bike (triathlete in the making!! woot woot!!) and in my neighborhood there are a lot of bike paths, and one in particular is right next to a pedestrian walk way. yet i still have to deal with people walking and running on the bike path, and when i run, i have to deal with cyclists on the pedestrian path.

    This. It's like people lose their common sense when they see a bike path or pedestrian path. I like to run on hiking trails and it kills me when I'm approaching a couple or small group and although they see me, they don't budge and keep using the entire width of the path! Where did common courtesy become not so common?

    Oh and Engineman, really impressed that you're aiming for triathlon's (toot that horn!). I have the run and swim down, but need to work on the bike...