Motivation! Whast the most you've lost in a week?

Hey everyone. Just thought this would be an interesting & fun post to maybe help others and share our success. What is the most you've lost in a week? And for that week, what was your calorie intake for those days, and exercise done? What other extra thing you did? I'll start.

Most I've lost in a week: 5.2 lbs
Calories eaten each day that week: Approx 1200
Days exercised that week: 5 days
Approx amount of calories burned each day during excercise: Around 550
I was sure to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, and ate nothing after around 9pm. Ate a little something every 2-3 hrs.

*Excuse the typo in the title: That should read "Whats the most you've lost in a week?"


  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    15lbs in one week or around that
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    My first week, I lost 9 pounds (202 to 193). Since then, I've lost an average of 4 pounds a week (excluding two weeks I got depressed and stopped caring, but then jumped right back in). That's trying to average 1200 calories a day (some days more, some less, pretty much never hitting it on the dot), drinking water almost exclusively, few to no processed/prepackaged foods, and infrequent exercise when I remember and feel like it (law school eats a ton of my time and energy).