hip hop abs 6 min

does anyone know how many calories the hip hop abs 6 min burn gives u? Also is there a really great site for home workout dvd calorie calculation? thanks


  • I have not done Hip Hop Abs 6 Min, although I have Hip Hop Abs and several other programs. I know that this program is designed to people how have very little time just to get them involved and used to exercising again. I know that when I originally started working out with Insanity about 24 months ago, I was burning about 600 calories on the Max Cardio days. My body fat was near 30% and the more muscle you have the more calories you burn, so my burn was much less.

    The only way to know for sure is to use a HRM that will give you the reading. Since body types and intensity leves are so different between people, it will be hard for anyone to give you a number that is right for your situtation.

    How are you using the program?
