STFU Pizza Hut, I've had enough of you.

Hi, I'm CK. I just wrote this really in depth introduction which got deleted. So I'm just going to say I have a really hard journey ahead of me. I'd love some friends on here to talk to because I don't have healthy conversations about weight loss with anyone I know because I always hear about "who I used to be." I want to focus on who I am now. I wrote a little bit more about this in my blog, since I'm trying to embrace everything on MFP at once LOL

I'd love to hear what event started your fitness/weight loss and what sort of things you do to make yourself exercise. That's actually my biggest problem. I can't push myself to do enough and always feel disappointed when I go to the gym, so I convince myself not to go. I've been convincing myself not go for too long.


  • I'm not going to lie, the title of this post made me giggle. I say that everyday when I drive by my favorite Chinese buffet! Welcome to MFP CK. =) You'll find that you relate to a lot of people on here, men and woman.
    I'm Whitney =) I'm 21, married, have a 2 year old, and can totally relate to the, "what you used to look like" conversations with my family. If you ever wanna chat or vent about anything feel free to shoot me a message =) Hope you have an amazing day!
  • Yea those convos really piss me off. There's nothing I hate thinking about more than the past. I actually think it's what really keeps me down/depressed. Anyways, I'm just not going to do it anymore (IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?)

    FFFF Chinese buffets. Those are another problem, and there are like 5 in a 2 mile in a radius of my apartment!! #collegetownproblems

    But yea, I friended you back. I will definitely keep up with you and vent whenever ;p
  • Amberchalon
    Amberchalon Posts: 207 Member
    Hey Sweet Girl,

    I hear you--I am focusing on who I am RIGHT NOW...MORE power to you
  • Agreed! Our pasts are our pasts. They're done and over with and nothing about them can be changed. Some people don't know how to just let go. Although, our past does shape up and we learn valuable life lessons, we don't need to be reminded of it all the time. Live and learn NOT live and dwell.
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Totally hear you on what you're saying. Let's focus on the now.

    And omg, STFU ALL THE FAST FOOD, hahaha.
  • melg126
    melg126 Posts: 378
    LOL oh that title made me laugh. Haha...

    I have the same problem as you with the exercise part. Sometimes I feel like I need a drill sargeant to get me there.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I actually feel ten times better on the days that I don't want to go to the gym and I force myself to go.

    I feel even better when on the drive there I DON'T stop and get a redbull.
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    Hello CK, and welcome to MFP!

    I started my journey here because a co-worker suggested this website to me after seeing that I was food journaling in my planner! I had only been journaling for 2 months and lost only 2lbs so I decided to give this website a try after seeing what I looked like in photos from my 2 holiday parties in 2011. I thought I looked a lot hotter in my red dress, but I was mistaken! Since joining I have lost 8lbs and I LOVE IT HERE. For me, cleaning up my eating was motivation to work out. When I was heating super healthy working out was easier because I felt better, period. I do not go to the gym, but I try to power walk, hike, swim, and I do a silly dance workout in my room in front of my mirror near naked! (It helps me to appreciate my body even though I have a long way to go till I look sexy).

    So yeah, that's about it. Feel free to add me. I am on daily and always encouraging my friends as long as they are positive and encourage their own friends. I believe in the whole what goes around comes around. :)

  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I love pizza hut and chinese buffets too! It is hard losing a lot of weight for me. I restarted my weightloss journey 20 days ago and lost 3 lbs. I have walked every day on the trail, cut out ALL sugar, and cut down a little on carbs.
  • It sounds like we're in the same boat. I just want to be healthier. My cousin literally transformed herself using this site, so I'm giving it a try. I realized that I'm truly out of shape. I started about a month ago and I've lost 8lbs. I like reading other people's successes, but that I too am focused on right here, right now. I'm still eating all the foods I like just much less of them. (I probably would have lost more weight if I didn't though)

    Exercise is my issue as well. I've been doing it in chucks. 5 minutes running the stairs on my break. 10 mins on the bike while I cook dinner. 10 mins running on the Wii. You can do it!
  • chunks
  • klcalliari
    klcalliari Posts: 60 Member
    Hi CK, first off you made me laugh so that's a point and two, I know exactly how you feel in regards to motivation and actually doing it. I'm sending you a friend request because even though I'm motivated right now to lose this weight, my "pattern" has been to lose that motivation within a week of plateauing... therefore losing like 5 lbs total :(. I've lost 20-30 lbs at least 3 or 4 times so i know what i'm doing, just keeping motivated and emotionally stable about it is the tricky part. I'll help keep you going!
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like the ads on the sidebar and top of THIS WEBSITE are always Pizza Hut, Dominos, or some other pizza place.

    If they aren't pizza ads, they are SENSA ads, which are equally annoying. Talk about your two opposite extremes of equally unhealthy nutrition strategies.
  • alycat06
    alycat06 Posts: 75
    Hi, CK! I'm also a newbie -- four weeks in! I read your profile, and I can TOTALLY relate. I had a couple of really hard years, which led to a deep depression. I finally asked for help, got on meds that made me gain weight, and now I'm at my highest weight in my entire life. Talk about a bummer. My motto is just to take it one day at a time. You'll figure out your reasons along the way. For now, you feel that you have to do something. That's a place to start. You absolutely, absolutely can do this! When you feel like you can't, that's what the MFP community is here for. Just by reading the boards, I feel so much better on my bad days. Good luck on your journey!
  • dawnschrecengost66
    dawnschrecengost66 Posts: 30 Member
    I think it's hard for us to focus on who we are today, but I admire you !!

    I know that today, at 45 I am definitely not the same person I was at 25, and ya know what. I don't want to be that person that I was. I have a little mileage on me now, I have life experiences, I have things that will make me stronger in this quest for a healthy lifestyle.

    I've been fighting my weight for 30 years, from parents and grandparents telling me I was heavy, or I wouldn't ever get married, or this or this or this, just degrading my self esteem, to after I had children and failed to lose the baby weight.

    So I have the same journey as many other folks, and I want to provide support to and be supported by them.

    Anyways, as a result of some health concerns at the beginning of the year I decided that I had enough, I wanted a healthier lifestyle, and finally, this time, it's for ME....and no one else. Not my parents, my husband, my adult children, no one but me. And this time it matters if I succeed.

    Thanks for asking !!!!!
  • JimmyfromNYC
    JimmyfromNYC Posts: 35 Member
    You can count on me!
  • alanindahlonega
    alanindahlonega Posts: 17 Member
    STFU all you empty calories calling me from inside my liquor cabinet! I hear your tiny little muffled voices whispering..."drink us, we are sooooo can jog us off tomorrow"
    STFU! :drinker:
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I'm trying to kick pizza hut, but I love pizza.

    Actually, I found when I quit WoW, Rift, et al, my pizza ordering declined drastically. Woot!

    Just joined up 5 days back and liking this place thus far.

    Wish you all the success in the world! :)
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    "You can't get the butt you want by sitting on the butt you have"
    "You don't get what you wish for, you get what you work for"
    push me to go to the gym. Now that I've seen results, it is even easier because I know that what I'm doing is working and will get me where I want to go if I keep it up.

    Another thing that worked in the beginning was to just make the gym non-optional. No matter what, I had to go to the gym every day, and if after 15 minutes I still wasn't feeling it, I could go home. There were a few hungover walk slowly on the treadmill days and some crampy 15 minutes on an elliptical days, but for the most part I got gym addicted and I can now incorporate off days and not worry about it becoming off weeks or months or years. Yeah, I went to the gym 7 days a week for 6 months, and I'm glad I did!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I'm trying to kick pizza hut, but I love pizza.

    Actually, I found when I quit WoW, Rift, et al, my pizza ordering declined drastically. Woot!

    Just joined up 5 days back and liking this place thus far.

    Wish you all the success in the world! :)

    If you're a former gamer, you should look into fitocracy. The basic premise is that you log your workouts and get points based on what you do. After x amount of points you level up. I logged over a year /played in WoW, even when it was just a grind because if you offer me arbitrary points, I'll do what I have to to get them! :)