A whole new Me

Hi there. My name is Emma, I am almost 25 years old, and I am about to totally switch up my life.

In 2 weeks I am going to graduate with my Masters degree and finally be able to begin my career. I am also getting ready to move 6 hours away to FINALLY be with my boyfriend after having to do a year of long distance. I have done really well at maintaining my weight around 137 for the past two years, but just recently I've been seeing my weight go up. I've been experimenting with different kind of eating patterns for the past few months, and now I'm thinking I wanna go vegan. More for the health and weight loss benefits than anything else.

So... I'm ready to start this whole new chapter of my life and become a whole new me. I'll be finished with school, living in a new state, starting a new job, and changing my eating habits! Hopefully this site can help :)

Oh, and feel free to friend me too... I need all the support I can get.


  • Hi :)

    What did you get your Master's in? That's awesome. I've wanted to go back to school forever and get my master's degree.

    Going vegan would be awesome for me too, but I've had trouble with it in the past. You have to really plan out what you're going to eat in the beginning. NY Times wrote a thing about going vegan too: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/04/16/the-challenge-of-going-vegan/?ref=health maybe that might help y/n?

    Thanks for friending me!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    That is awesome and congratulations on all the wonderful changes!

    That is a lot of change in a short period of time!

    Any chance of getting your boyfriend to jump on the vegan boat with you? It sure makes things easier when you can fix things for two instead of trying to make two different meals all the time.

    That being said, I ate vegan by myself for six weeks before reverting back a few days ago. I usually do the cooking and my wife would have nothing to do with giving up meat entirely so I was preparing a number of different meals each day.

    Going vegan was a completely worthwhile effort and easier than I imagined. I went no dairy, no egg, no flesh, complete vegan.

    If you drink, check out barnivore.com

    For cheese substitutes, check out daiya.

    Field Roast makes some great no meat sausages for pasta meals.

    Also, if you go full vegan, be prepared to take vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iron and zinc supplements, probably in the form of your favorite multi-tab.

    Oops! And be sure to join the vegan groups here on the MFP forums!

  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Hi there :D I was thinking about going vegan as well. I'm not a big meat eater and I'm lactose intolerant, so it doesn't seem like it could be that hard. Mind if I go ahead and add you?