STARVING after the gym



  • andrea1904
    I try to always eat 30-40 minutes prior to any workout and drink plenty of water before/during/ and after my workout. I also carry a snack bar to eat or a piece a fruit in case I'm hungry afterward, so I'm not starving by lunch time.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Hi all

    Need some advice, after a gym workout (about 15 minutes after) starvation sets in, I could eat everything in sight.
    I've followed the normal advice to eat protein and carbs but it doesn't seem to work, I could eat and eat and eat for the rest of the day. I make sure I'm well hydrated, no problems there, but don't know what else I can do or what could be the problem?

    Any advice?

    Somebody mentioned a protein bar, I second this.

    There are chewy protein bars that are impossible to gobble down, you would be forced to eat them slowly.

    When you get home, have a high protein meal, it will be filling and you would not be eating empty calories.
  • rosiedoo169
    rosiedoo169 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks all, I think I'll try eating a protein bar after the work out and see if that helps.