

  • shirin8
    shirin8 Posts: 51 Member
    I absolutely love it and am on day 10 today. My endurance has increased exponentially (my running speed has improved) and I have noticed a definite tightening all over. I haven't lost much (~0.5 lbs) but I can definitely see and feel a difference. My husband and I are doing it and are in love. Best workout ever!!!!

    As a side note, I completed C25K and most of 30DS (got a little bored) before starting Insanity. Both helped build my cardio endurance and lower body strength (which I absolutely needed to do Insanity).
  • jp0623
    jp0623 Posts: 22 Member
  • anarod0513
    anarod0513 Posts: 119
    I'll be honest, the work outs kick my *kitten*!!! But I love it!!! I am starting my second week today and can't wait to see my end results. I am just eating my 1200 calories a day, but I upped my protein intake and only eat healthy food. The program comes with a book that has meal ideas.
  • cansmith80
    I have 5 days left to Insanity. I have not lost weight but I have lost inches and can notice a big difference in my "mommy pooch" so I'm thrilled since this is my only problem area. I did not follow the meal plan but do count calories and increased my protein. I am pretty much eating at maintence now (1800+ exercise calories) daily so I didn't change that. If u are eating below 1500 though I highly recommend that u up your calories as u will need them to get thru these tough workouts.
    Insanity is the toughest workout I have ever done!! The workouts are hard but fun!! Take your time, do it at your own pace, don't try and keep up with them and take breaks when needed. Be prepared to sweat!!! I love Shaun T and how motivating he is. When I finish this round I'm going on to P90X and then I will do an Insanity/P90X hybrid since I know I will miss Insanity :)
    Good luck, I'm sure u will love this workout.

  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member

    I did the 60 day program in its entirety last summer. I lost 13lbs and 22.75 inches. I then continued to do Insanity Asylum and parts of the regular Insanity program throughout the remainder of the year along with a kickboxing class. I got GREAT results. I didn't increase my cals. I ate some of excercise calories back when I was hungry. Hope you have a HRM!! Its the best way to calculate your calorie burn. GOOD LUCK!! :bigsmile:
  • anarod0513
    anarod0513 Posts: 119
    I LOVE... LOVE.. LOVE Insanity!

    First 60 round started August 24, 2011; lost 12lbs and inches like crazy.

    2 round january... lost 4.5lbs and 5 inches and can really see muscle definition.

    Insanity is BRUTAL, super hard and really you get what you give. I have it set up in my basement, and my hubby can hear my cursing Shaun T's name from the 3rd floor. Is hard, but it is SO worth it.. and you feel like a million bucks when it is over!

    Congrats to you... Give the 60 days... curse, spit, get as mad as you want, then be proud of your transformation... you will LOVE it!

    Lol I thought I was the only one that wanted to cuss at the tv. Glad I'm not alone. :)
  • victoriasnow
    victoriasnow Posts: 111 Member
    I am starting week 4 today & I absolutely LOVE IT!!! Shaun T is a great motivator. I have lost about 13 lbs so far with Insaity & definitely losing inches as well! I also have the "mommy pooch" from having a c-section in January with my son, but with this program I can definitely see a huge difference. Tummy's getting smaller, legs, arms, back are getting leaner & stronger. GREAT WORK OUT!! Gonna do either P90x or Insanity Asylum when I'm through with this one!
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    I've completed Insanity a few times in a past few years (also got Insanity 2: The Asylum which is ok...I like the original better though!)

    The first time I did it I also incorported spin class as well as some weight lifting (more towards the second month). My total weight dropped no more than 10lb but the inches flew off (i forgot the measurements though!!).

    From this program I became faster and definitely more athletic.

    I'm actually taking a class w/ Shaun T next Friday and I'm so excited!! He's the reason for my newly found love for working out =)
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I did four straight rounds of Insanity. During that time I lost around 53 lbs. (213 lbs. to 160), and went down from a size 18 to an 8. I then moved on to and completed Insanity: The Asylum and started running. I lost another 20ish lbs (and am now a size 4) before moving onto maintenance. Thanks to Shaun T. and Insanity I am a new happy person.

    I changed my diet, but I did not follow the food guide Insanity came with. I did my own thing.

    My main advice is to just keep at it and don't give up. Go at your pace and speed. Don't try to keep up with Shaun T. (although he is a great motivator) or the "machines" in the video. Definitely take your measurements. That is a much better way to gauge your progress as opposed to the scale. Many people don't see a real difference (on the scale) until they start Month 2 workouts.

    Good luck!
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    I have done it twice and am actually starting the 3rd round today ( gonna rotate with my running) I absolutely LOVE this program. I lost 10 pounds easily the first round...and that was before I ever heard of MFP or knew how to eat better. I can't wait to see the results this time. Just keep pushing yourself a little after you think you can't possible do it anymore. You will love it!