Starting for a second time

I had been doing MFP and managed to lose about 35 pounds. Then, pardon the expression, all heck broke loose! I have had health problems since high school, and they got so bad I could barely get out of bed each day. After a lot of tests I have recently been diagnosed with colitis. It's considered a working diagnosis, meaning that something else could still be hiding inside me. I've been on steroids and other medications to try to get this under control, and nothing seems to be totally controlling it. I probably would have been diagnosed years ago but all my previous doctors said that since I was so overweight there couldn't be anything such as colitis or crohns wrong with me! A few things help, but my dr feels that there should be more improvement. One of the joyful side effects of the steroids is that I have managed to gain back about 10 pounds that I had lost. Since the steroids I was on didn't seem to be helping I've been told to wean off of them, which I did as of today. Hopefully the new medicine will help, and not being a steroid I shouldn't have the weight gain that I had on the other. I'm actually able to stay up most of the day now, and today I managed to exercise for 20 minutes! It was the first time in months, and even though it was only 20 minutes of Just Dance with the kids, it felt good! I'm hoping to feel better every day and get the rest of this weight off.