How to lose weight on Birth Control that causes weight gain

Hi everyone! I'm back on this forum because I can NOT take the weight gain any longer! I was on Depo-Provera for about 6 years with a 35 lb weight increase. About two years ago, I was able to lose 22 lbs by training for a 5k. After that I hit a plateau and could not lose any weight no matter what I did. I changed calorie intake (tried eating more calories and tried eating less calories), frequency and intensity of workouts and i even worked with a nutritionist and personal trainer. They were as baffled as I was as to why I could not lose weight. Incredibly discouraged, I decided to get off Depo Provera. After getting on the pills, my OB realized that I was allergic to high levels of estrogen (I ended up in the hospital because of the pills). So about a year ago, she put me on the Implanon and it has been nothing but trouble ever since. The first 6 months, I was combining healthy eating and working out and again NO change. I gave up and stopped everything. (horrible, i know.) The weight gain has gotten OUT OF CONTROL. I've now gained an additional 25 lbs on Implanon. My OB seems to think I have no other choice but to deal with the weight gain because even when I work out, I'm can't seem to lose weight.

Has anyone dealt with this? Any suggestions or advice? I am at my wit's end right now!