30 day shred....is it enough?

If I watch my calorie intake and do the 30shred daily is that enough for losing weight? Or do I need to add in more workouts?
I do have her banish fat one and trouble zones and shred it with weights.


  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    A reasonable calorie deficit is plenty for weightloss.

    Depending on your current fitness level and goals, the 30 day shred may be enougb.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    30DS was my first Jillian DVD and the start of my fitness journey a couple of years ago. At some point I wanted more, either because i was getting bored with 30DS or I didn't feel it was enough, can't remember for sure, but Banish Fat Boost Metabolism was my next purchase. I loved the variety of a new workout, even though it was twice as long and TOUGH! :tiongue: I started alternating 30DS with BFBM. It's a nice mix since 30DS uses weights, and BFBM is mostly cardio. No More Trouble Zones would be a good one to do every other day with BFBM as well, for the same reason.

    At this point I've got a stack of Jillian workouts on my entertainment center, and I try to alternate the ones that are more cardio with the ones that use dumbbells (and have purchased heavier weights as I've gotten stronger - yay!), and by length of the workout too, depending on how much time I have each day or whatever.
  • ashbergum
    ashbergum Posts: 30 Member
    I set my calorie goal to 1,300 per day and did 30DS, lasted 15 days and there was a HUGE difference. I didn't lose much weight, but I lost ALOT of inches. It's so boring and I hate Jillian lol.. but it really is amazing.
  • determinedmnmom
    I would be happy with losing inches and not the weight since you build muscles. Of course you can't spot reduce but it's in my belly and butt/thighs