how to lose weight

So I really want to start losing weight. So any tips on how to do this? How many calories I should be eating? or what foods to maybe avoid? Do you guys count drinks into you food tracker? How much is a good amount to work out and how long? How long did it take you guys to start seeing results? Is drinking water really necessary because I don't really drink water? If you want to become friends please add me and the more advice the better!!


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    go to and get your numbers. reduce salt intake, reduce pop, or fatty food sweets and fast foods. increase water and eat as healthy as you can. I never cut out anything out of my diet, i just eat in moderation and portion control... for me, it's been a struggle but i have lost 11 lbs now in 6 months ( i only had 15-20lbs to loose). I am exercising now and feel so good..... i saw results about 1 month after i started tracking my food and exercising. I count everything i put in my mouth, even drinks. To me i would rather eat my calories then drink them, so it's water and tea pretty much all the time... I have a hard time getting in my proper amount of water but it really does make a difference... good luck on your journey!