feeling guilty....

Ok so I skipped the gym today.... Didnt really do much.... But now I feel like I should have went.... I have went like the last ten days straight... Idk what to think..... :( I recently upped my workout goals because I was hitting them all so fast- I say I'm not going to go to the gym daily, but I have been... Now "I feel awful for not going today.... Am I really going too much? My body doesnt feel run down, I'm not tired.... but now I feel like crap for taking today off.... any suggestions? Am I being weird?


  • mjuszczec
    mjuszczec Posts: 12 Member
    10 days straight?

    You need to work light workouts and time off into your training schedule - it'll be easier to maintain that way.

    Feeling bad today? Could be a million reasons. I would NOT count on undertraining being one of them.
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 213 Member
    I vote for being weird ;-)

    No really, setting a goal to go EVERY day is setting a goal to fail. Set reasonable goals which will fit into your lifestyle on a permanent basis and if you exceed these then GREAT!

    4-5 days a week is a heavy workout schedule. Your body needs to be allowed some time to rest and equilibriate. If your workouts are getting too easy, more days is not the answer but perhaps seek advice on how to make the time you spend more challenging.

    I also noted that perhaps you should really try to get more sleep. (This is something I have to work on as well.)

    Studies have shown conclusively that a lack of sleep affects weight loss and increases weight gain.

    Now stop beating up on yourself NOW! You're doing great!!!
  • I can so relate to this. I generally hit the gym myself 6-7 days a week. Generally the only time I take a day off is if I have something planned that takes up a big chunk of time. I tend to feel that if I do skip the gym...I need to skip on food also, but I do realize that this is not realistic. The big problem I have been having is burning off too many calories and not keeping enough to sustain...I fear I'm putting my body into starvation mode and thus...creating a plateau. It is a tough balance that I need to work through...a fear of gaining by not doing enough.....vs a fear of not losing by doing too much.

    Just know that your body does need a break whether you feel it physically or not. Taking a break and then pushing hard next time will shock your system and boost your metabolism (this is what I have read anyway). So try not to feel guilty by taking some time to regroup and remember that you could always find something less intensive to do and still burn some calories. My favorite is to take the dog for a walk.

    Good Luck
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    Thanks so much!