Anyone with similar stats?

I'm 5'4.5
Hw 134
Cw 119
Gw ???
Ugw probably about 118 after it's all said and done.

I'm not anorexic or anything. Just have a tiny frame. I carry alot in my thighs and absolutely nothing on top lol.
I focus mainly on exercise, low simple sugars, good fats and high protein. My biggest concern at the moment is cortisol. I just feel I have to weigh nothing to get rid of the fat on my lower body to appear more balanced. I'm doing my research and may even experiment on myself to see if one can change where they carry fat by dramatically dropping their body fat, then attempting to gain it back in hopes that a proper diet will better place where I store fat. (I need boobs!). I realize that you cannot control where you lose fat, and I am told you can't control where u gain fat, but if cortisol causes you to store mid-body fat, then who's to say if you can or can't choose whether it's all going to ur gut, or whether ur body can't even out some? Call me crazy but I think I'm the perfect person to pull off such an experiment.


  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    I'm kiiiiind of close to you!


    I'm a little shorter and fattier :p
  • Thanks for replying, and added =)
    I'm hoping this thread will help all of us find new friends so it's of course open to all shapes and sizes, whether your trying to lose, gain or maintain.
  • Kelly2188
    Kelly2188 Posts: 31
    Were very similar...5'4,5", 122..

    I have similar problems with my lower half too.
  • Arhoades76
    Arhoades76 Posts: 7 Member
    5'2.5" (yes the .5 is very important!)
    Start : 145 lbs
    CW: 130 lbs
    Goal- 120 lbs.

    My "saddlebag" and inner thighs are my main issue. I feel a gazillion times better, but can't seem to target those areas! Also, the boobs have been shrinking- booooo!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my goal weight is 135, but I'm 202 right now, and was 225 just 4 months ago. My fat/jealous self wants to say "girl shut-up you already skinny so get out of here!" I'm not going to do that, because I know you can be skinny and extremely unhealthy. We are here to get healthy and support each other. Since you are small frame, you could pull off 118, and not look bony. I'm big frame, and think if I got down to 118 I'd look anorexic.
    Keep up the great work!!! :drinker: cheers
  • Yeah I think I'm all out of boobs. nothing else left to take. So it's time for the fat to fall off the thighs. Dieting can be so frustrating sometimes but hopefully in the end it all balances out.
  • Healthy is definitely more important than skinny. If I had tue ultimate choice i'd be the same weight I am now but mich lower body fat in the lower area, and of course more body fat on top. And yes frame size makes a difference. Sounds like u could pull off the perfect hourglass shape :) . That's something I could only have in my dreams (or after some surgery lol)
  • BaliRun
    BaliRun Posts: 114 Member
    Same here... 5'5.... CW 122-119 (depends on the day)... Goal weight 115... No boobs. All on the thighs too!
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    I am similar, but starting out WAY heavier than you:)

    5'4 1/2"
    SW 245

    Well, my goal weight is higher. I will see how I look when I get there. I think I am more muscular build and bigger boned than the average woman.
  • cathhui
    cathhui Posts: 4
    Similar here....... 5'4.5" . I just started my fitnesspal 10 days ago. My CW is 128 and my goal is 110. I have all the fat deposit around my waist and hips which is terrible. My plan is to push dinner as early as possible (before 8pm) to help with belly and waist and exercise to help with the lower part.
    BTW... really motivating to see all of your weight bar showing weight lost in the past. Hope I can get there too.
  • Similar here....... 5'4.5" . I just started my fitnesspal 10 days ago. My CW is 128 and my goal is 110. I have all the fat deposit around my waist and hips which is terrible. My plan is to push dinner as early as possible (before 8pm) to help with belly and waist and exercise to help with the lower part.
    BTW... really motivating to see all of your weight bar showing weight lost in the past. Hope I can get there too.

    I just started MFP to a couple days ago myself. My old iPhone let me put in my starting weight separate from my current weight but on my fiancee's android he didn't have that option.