I am a nibbler!!!!

I am a nibbler, especially now I can't do a great deal, now by nibbling I mean almonds, grapes and other fruit, I am finding at the moment I seem to stay hungry so any suggestions that will keep the calories down would be appreciated.


  • auntygill
    auntygill Posts: 108 Member
    I am a nibbler too , but i find thats ok , i have to have snacks inbetween my main meals to keep me going , nothing wrong with it . Usually i will have a banana and a chewy bar of some sort in the morning and an apple in the afternoon , if i have any cals left in the evening then i might have something else . Not much help , sorry.

    Not quiet sure what you can have thats low cal , but looking at your diary i think you are doing ok with the snacks .
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Thanks Gill, I just get frustrated and now it is cooler I feel hungrier, or so my mind keeps telling me. Being a diabetic makes it hard sometimes too.