Feeling discouraged

Still have about 95 pounds to lose. I am so far away from my weight goal, it feels like I'm never going to get there. :(


  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    You will get there. Slowly but surely you will. Just dont give up now! I know how hopeless it feels and you just have to ignore that feeling and keep pushing yourself to do it. I have pics and motivation sayings taped all over my fridge to stop me from eating out of boredom/cravings. I have a folder of motivation photos on my desktop. Photos on my phone and magazine cutouts in my purse. Im 157 from 203 right now. Goal is 115.
    Six months from now you wont remember what your food tasted like today but you will see the results from choosing to eat healthy today! Nothing tastes better than being healthy feels!
    I believe in you! You can add me if you want! Dont stop now!!!! :)
  • bkscott5
    bkscott5 Posts: 53 Member
    Waiting is always hard. Waiting to see weight loss results is even harder. They say it takes the same amount of time to take it off as to putting on the weight. Personally I think it takes longer to take it off. I have yo-yo dieted for most of my life and I finally really feel like this is it, I'm really ready to make those perminate life long changes. What really has helped me to feel this way was going over the last 10 years of photos of me. I haven't lost weight in over 2 or 3 months, but I'm still staying on track just because I really didn't like how I looked. So get some photos of you that make you look great and some that make you look your worst. Put them in front of your fridge and wherever else you need to and just think how good you will look and FEEL when your done. Good luck. Remember time goes on no matter what your doing, might as well be doing good while it is. Keep plugging along!
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    How about breaking it into smaller chunks? 95 pounds feels like heaps, but 10 probably feels achievable. Once you've hit that, give yourself a (non-food) treat, then truck on with the next 10 pounds. You'll get there!
  • Snicketlab
    Thank you so much for the encouraging words. Love what you said - "Nothing tastes better than being healthy feels!" That is so true. I've got a long way to go, but I've noticed how much better I feel eating healthy. I will keep plugging away!
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Don't think about the future. Live the day you have today the best you can, looking after the future - but don't worry about the future, just think about the short term.

    I don't worry about whether I'll make it to 60kg or not, I just feel good when I lose one kilo, or two. I lost my first five kilos and it made a huge difference to how heavy I feel, how my clothes feel... I'm going to lose a few more kilos and be happy about wearing longjohns under my jeans, then a few more kilos and feel good about getting into what I call my skinny jeans, then maybe a few more kilos and with luck a lower clothing size?

    I dunno. The future is wide open! It's a adventure. :D it's a exciting adventure. A reely reely big one.
  • jacquirich
    jacquirich Posts: 105 Member
    I have a similair amount of weight and its going very slowly, I agree with some of the others, set small targets of about 10lb, and reward yourself when you get there, distract yourself with other hobbies, and make slimming buddlies
  • Snicketlab
    Thank you everyone for the encouragement and helpful advice. It means a lot to hear everyone's experiences and suggestions. I will continue to take one day at a time, and focus on the smaller goals!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    But you've already made a good start by losing 7 pounds, so you know what to do.
    Just keep doing it!

    And my other piece of advice - don't be too hard on yourself. Don't treat this "diet" as a punishment, look at it as a healthy eating and exercise plan that is going to have you looking and feeling good and staying that way for the rest of your life.
  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    You need to consider this as a marathon, rather than a short race.

    Marathon runners do not think about running the whole 26 miles, they think about each mile and aim to get to the end of it.

    Set yourself a target, lets say 2lbs. Once you have lost that 2 lbs, reward yourself, give yourself a pat on the back and then set your next target, before you know it you will be well into the London Marathon and Pall Mall will be on the horizon as you pass the Houses of Parliament.
  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    Also, feel free to add me if you want some motivationa and help.