Has anyone been successful in stopping binge eating?



  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a moderate binger. I've really tried to analyze what it is that makes me turn to that behavior. I've really focused on those times that I consistently want to binge and the times when I never seem to be tempted by it. I'm never tempted to binge in the morning. My binge time comes after lunch. Like PP's have said, keeping binge food in the house makes it very easy to binge! I really think that sometimes binge eating is the result of your body craving what it really does need. The more high quality my food...the more veggies I eat in one day, does seem to keep me from feeling like binge eating.

    Between 1-5pm-ish is the hardest time for me. I've found that a good breakfast with some protein and fat, helps keep the afternoon cravings at bay. I've found that the urge is worse if I am dehydrated. My biggest strategy for avoiding a binge is to EAT before the need to binge sets in. If it's afternoon and I'm starting to feel that urge, I grab an apple or other fruit. I've noticed that apples are the best because they take time to eat. I always tell hubby that I have to grab something healthy to eat fast before I "get stupid". A cup of coffee can also stave off a binge. Also, I'll often take a tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in the afternoon. All of those things have helped me to overcome binge eating.

    Other non-food things that I do that can help.....going outside to get sunshine helps, making myself do something that will keep me occupied for a while....calling a friend who I know tends to keep me on the phone for a while, or going to do 1-2 chores, seems to help. Reading a really good book or listening to music I really like helps.
  • sarahsue4314
    I'm a new member and wish I had found this site and message board at the beginning of my weight loss journey. I have been plagued by this problem for years and even though I recognize it now, there are days when I still let it get the best of me. And it's frustrating because even though I have met many of my weight loss goals, it's been in a "2 steps forward, 1 step back" way. People ask me why I'm so controling about what I allow myself to eat, and that 1 cookie or french fry won't kill me. They don't understand that for me, 1 cookie or french fry leads to a huge binge. I feel like an addict and if I let myself have 1 little thing, I won't be able to stop. Is this how it is for any of you?

    A few things have helped me start to overcome my disorder. I don't buy junk food, but it seems to be in my house because my roommate is a junk food addict, so I can't count on lack of binging options because it's always there. My go-to replacement is water. If I sip on some water and just relax and breathe, I seem to be able to fend off the anxiety a lot of the time. Faithfully logging EVERYTHING I eat has helped a ton. I am a perfectionist, so I hate, hate, hate looking back and seeing those times when I lost control. And like Brendalee, I've found I do a lot of self talk. Every single day, I tell myself that "I'm not REALLY hungry and don't NEED to eat", "I'm stronger than this compulsion" and "I've come too far to blow all of it for 1 stupid potato chip".
  • tabika05
    tabika05 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm right there with you. I haven't weighed in for awhile cause I'm scared I've gained back any weight I lost and then added some pounds to what I did weigh! Ugh!

    I've taken everything out of my home that I eat when on a binge but I work at a bar with junk food treats all around me. I bring food with me to work but when I'm stressed and busy I grab the bag of chips and chow down. Help!

    Plus, is there any packaged snack that's healthy and easy and satisfying? I need this for energy when I'm up until three or four in the morning and up again at seven?
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    I am exactly the same way. I have gotten better because I'm in a better place in my life, but I still struggle. I noticed that since Thanksgiving I have been struggling a lot with binging so I finally bought a book called overcoming overeating. I'm following the plan outline by Dr. Fairburn and focusing less on calorie counting now and more on getting back to a normal relationship with food. If anyone is interested in starting a group, I'd be willing to share information from the book!!! I've just finished phase 1 (recording all meals and identifying triggers) and have started phase 2, which is "re-learning" normal eating patterns. If anyone wants more information or to start a group let me know!!!
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    things to do when u feel a binge comin on......

    1. go for a walk/run whatever if ur out the house u cant eat that much

    2. phone a friend (a good gossip always helps me)

    3. go for a long relaxin bath

    4 paint ur nails.....ever tasted a mouthful of polish? lol not pleasant!

    5 paint ur toes...okay im runnin out of ideas but u see wher im goin with this :laugh:

    if u distract urself u wont binge and even if u do after uv done all that then atleast u can call it damage control

    what does every1 else do? x:smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • vitabella
    vitabella Posts: 34 Member
    this website has helped me. only 3 or 4 binges in 5 months. www.healyourhunger.com
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    Wow. There's lots of helpful info. here. Emilydmo- I would love to hear about the things you're learning in the book about overcoming overeating.

    I struggle with eating out of boredom and feeling discouraged or lonely.
  • djgoveia
    This has been a lifetime struggle for me. My trigger is stress ... not surprising! I'm not always successful, but I have learned not to beat myself up when I binge because it is only one day (as long as I don't binge every day). Things that help: no unhealthy foods in the house, bowls of veggies in the refrigerator already cleaned and ready to eat, my motto on the "snack" cupboard, binge food divided into small and controllable packages in hopes that I'll only eat one or two, gum, sugar free hard candy, a cup of hot boullion or hot tea. Never give up! You can get through this!