
redsloo Posts: 2
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone. So my question is about Alchohol. I like to go out with friends a couple nights a week and have a couple drinks. Does this inhibit weight loss? I cant believe how many calories are in a Vodka Martini! I know the ideal thing would be to quit drinking but I really look forward to my nights out. I am a social drinker -never drink at home so is this really a bad thing while trying to lose weight?

Id like to hear some opinions. Thanks for your support!


  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Hey everyone. So my question is about Alchohol. I like to go out with friends a couple nights a week and have a couple drinks. Does this inhibit weight loss? I cant believe how many calories are in a Vodka Martini! I know the ideal thing would be to quit drinking but I really look forward to my nights out. I am a social drinker -never drink at home so is this really a bad thing while trying to lose weight?

    Id like to hear some opinions. Thanks for your support!

    I don't drink, but try finding some drinks that are low-calorie. Or cut that hard alcohol with diet coke or coke zero.

    I had the hardest time trying to cut soda out. I just couldn't do it. So I compromised and I have a diet soda now and then. I know its not healthy for me like drinking a glass of water or some hot tea, but thats my compromise.

    You'll have to find yours.
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    Alcohol and particularly beer will slow your metabolism. Personally I'm not willing to give up going out and having a drink sometimes. I typically go for something like Gin which doesn't have too many calories. I also be sure I have plenty of leftover calories that day.
  • ThePoptart
    ThePoptart Posts: 28
    Honestly, I drink a lot on occassion and it has never inhibited my weight loss. In fact, on the scale the next day it says I lost weight due to the dehydration that alcohol brings to you. Of course since it's water weight, it can come back. But anyways, that's my two never affected me anyway

    OH, and I want to add that everyone is different of course, and it also depends on what kind of alcohol you like to drink. I don't drink beer, and I hear you can definitely gain weight from beer. I stick to hard liquor mixes, usually vodka cranberries and rum n diet maybe thats why haha :) Good luck to you, you'll find out what works.
  • roxie17
    roxie17 Posts: 71
    I have been drinking a club soda with a twist of lime - give me the feeling I am drinking when I am not and I feel like I "fit in" better than just drinking a coke. A wine spritzer with a twist of lime is another idea (wine and club soda).
  • beckythebunny122
    beckythebunny122 Posts: 55 Member
    I had the same problem. The calories can really add up. 1 shot is at least 100 calories and a glass of wine or beer is usually in the 150 range.

    I now allow myself one drink (maybe two) a night and space them out with water, diet soda, and club soda (I prefer seltzer water, but most places use club soda - it does have sodium though)

    I also don't get mixed drinks like long island ice teas anymore.

    I've started liking a shot of vodka with club soda (sometimes mixed with crystal lite) or rum with diet coke.

    Bonus: It saves money and your liver will be happier!
  • nenemom
    nenemom Posts: 12
    well, you know the old saying, everything in moderation. As far as inhibiting weight loss, i don't know if it has any particular extra effect, but certainly the calores will factor in, as you have seen.

    The bigger problem, at least for me, was seeing just how much alcohol I was actually drinking - which the food diary opened my eyes to. I was having "one drink" several times weekly after work - conscientiously using diet tonic water - but my "ounces" were more like doubles!!! :embarassed: So yes, the alcohol *was "inhibiting* my weight loss. I cut that out and now the weight is coming right off.

    I say, enjoy the friends and do some extra walking.:smile:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    How many nights specifically, and how many drinks specifically?

    Perhaps a compromise of going out but only drinking on one night would work well. Espescially if the friendship and good times are fun. No need to cut that out, maybe just one night of drinking.

    Me too nene- I thought I was having 'a couple' and WOAH I was wrong. Changed my drinking habits real quick after the wake-up call. More like a wake-up brick!
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    hahaha, this one of the reasons why I chose not to drink at all. A.) I love to eat and B.) I love soda. going out with friends, those two go hand in hand. If I combinted partying and drinking into that mix, I would be one tubby sonab!tch.
  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    JEBUZ!! I couldn't believe how many calories were in Vodka and Rum!!!!! and OMG in a smirnoff!! wow!!
    I dont drink beer.. but I do like to indulge in some Raspberry vodka/rum with sprite.. it's my FAVE!
    I dont drink often so I don't notice if it affects any weightloss or not. But i think as long as it's not an everyday thing.. and you have calories left over.. it cant hurt right??
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I had posted this on another post a while back...If you are going to have a drink, I say drink what you want since the calories have very little to do with how alcohol affects your body. I will choose a Guinness over a light beer any day!! I just make sure it's not EVERY day!

    It really has little to do with the amount of calories in alcohol but it's more about the type of calories and how it's metabolized. There are 7 calories per gram in alcohol, 9 grams per calorie in fat. So it's very close.
    When alcohol has to metabolize through your liver, it's cuts down the fat burning process up to 73%. I won't go into too much technical mumbo jumbo on the liver and fat enzymes. Of course this can vary by person, but it still inhibits your bodies metabolism.

    This is just the short answer. There are a ton of articles on the web about the effects of alcohol on the metabolism. I hope some of this helps.
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    JEBUZ!! I couldn't believe how many calories were in Vodka and Rum!!!!! and OMG in a smirnoff!! wow!!
    I dont drink beer.. but I do like to indulge in some Raspberry vodka/rum with sprite.. it's my FAVE!
    I dont drink often so I don't notice if it affects any weightloss or not. But i think as long as it's not an everyday thing.. and you have calories left over.. it cant hurt right??

    Rob Roy with a lime. Thats right I drink that without questioning my sexuality.
  • rkwestfall
    rkwestfall Posts: 37 Member
    Well here is the problem....

    1gram of alcohol is 7kcals.... so hard alcohol is about 100 cals per 1 oz.

    So i believe it is best to stick to diet soda as your mixer or right light beer, which has the same amout of alcohol... just less calories/carbs.

    Alcohol with diet soda, club soda, or tonic: 100 calories
    Light beer: 64-195 calories
    Dry red/wht wine: 125-150 cals (5oz)

    If you like mixed drinks try a bloody mary or like vodka and orange juice, but remember the more mixers=more calories. Also the stronger the alcohol (100 proof) = more calories...

    PS... if you drink a vodka with club soda...add just a splash of fruit juice to add flavor...

    Just some ideas :blushing:
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I've heard that it can contribute to a slower weight loss but I go out every so often and haven't found that is the case. I drink mixed drinks, mostly rye and diet pepsi/diet coke and sometimes I'll even shoot a bottle of water or 2 in the middle of it which I heard helps a little bit. I also try to keep some calories for the day if I am going out too with the intent of lessening the impact.
    I have also heard that clear liquors are better.. unfortunately I cannot stomach any of them except tequila which would likely be a rough night if I drank it all night
    If you google alcohol and weight loss you will find a tonne of info about it too.
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    Alcohol & Weight Gain - Will Drinking Alcohol Make You Fat?

    When it comes to burning body fat and losing weight, it's pretty simple. Burn more calories then you consume. Well, it's a bit more complicated then that but we'll just leave it at that for now. Everybody knows about the stuff that has calories in it which include protein, carbohydrates, and fat. But I want to talk about something that has a tremendous impact on your ability to burn body fat, alcohol. Alcohol has calories too and the effect on your body is a lot greater then most people think.

    Here is some good news about alcohol and fat calories: A very small percentage of the alcohol calories you drink are turned into fat. It's in the single digits. But the problem with alcohol and it's calories is that when consumed it reduces the amount of fat that your body can burn off for energy.

    Here is a super quick lesson about the body and burning body fat. Your body wants to burn body fat for energy. Especially when at rest. When you workout it wants to use carbohydrates and glycogen (stored carbohydrates) for energy to fuel it through those workouts. But when the activity stops your body wants to burn fat. It wants to burn it when you're watching TV, reading a book, cooking dinner, brushing your teeth, and even sleeping. But the lifestyle of the person will dictate how much, if any fat is being burned for energy.

    Things that can detour the body from burning body fat as energy are skipping breakfast, low-calorie diets, not enough sleep or rest, skipping meals, and drinking too much alcohol.

    Why does this happen? It comes down to a substance called acetate. Acetate levels rise sharply after alcohol is consumed. This substance pretty much tells the body to STOP burning body fat ASAP. And yet another problem is the body starts making another substance called acetyl CoA. This causes the body to actually start making more body fat.

    An interesting fact about your body and alcohol is that it can only process about .5 to 1 ounce of alcohol per hour. To the body it is a toxic substance. And it is extremely hard for the liver to perform all of it's regular functions, and even more so when alcohol is added to the mix.

    12 ounces of beer has around .6 ounces of alcohol in it. So if you drank 5 beers your body would not be able to burn fat for up to 6 hours. The more you drink the longer you delay the body's regular fat burning mechanism.

    Also remember when you drink alcohol that it is empty calories. You get no nutritional benefit from it. No vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, omega-3's, nothing!

    So what to do? Well, if you were on a fat loss plan the best thing to do would be to avoid it. But for some people that's out of the question. So if that's the case always remember the word 'moderation'. I'm sure you've heard it before with your nutrition and other parts of your life. Some other tips would be to choose wine or a light beer. And limit your intake to just 1-2 days a week with a maximum drink limit of 2. Drinking everyday on a fat loss plan is not a fat loss plan at all.

    hope this helps.. =D
  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    JEBUZ!! I couldn't believe how many calories were in Vodka and Rum!!!!! and OMG in a smirnoff!! wow!!
    I dont drink beer.. but I do like to indulge in some Raspberry vodka/rum with sprite.. it's my FAVE!
    I dont drink often so I don't notice if it affects any weightloss or not. But i think as long as it's not an everyday thing.. and you have calories left over.. it cant hurt right??

    Rob Roy with a lime. Thats right I drink that without questioning my sexuality.

    Niiiiice!!! :bigsmile:
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I had posted this on another post a while back...If you are going to have a drink, I say drink what you want since the calories have very little to do with how alcohol affects your body. I will choose a Guinness over a light beer any day!! I just make sure it's not EVERY day!

    It really has little to do with the amount of calories in alcohol but it's more about the type of calories and how it's metabolized. There are 7 calories per gram in alcohol, 9 grams per calorie in fat. So it's very close.
    When alcohol has to metabolize through your liver, it's cuts down the fat burning process up to 73%. I won't go into too much technical mumbo jumbo on the liver and fat enzymes. Of course this can vary by person, but it still inhibits your bodies metabolism.

    This is just the short answer. There are a ton of articles on the web about the effects of alcohol on the metabolism. I hope some of this helps.

    I also heard because of that your body burns the alcohol calories first leaving your body holding onto what you didn't burn in food during the day until its done so if you drink all night what you didn't burn in food during the day isn't really going anywhere.. is that right?
  • jubead
    jubead Posts: 2 Member
    Here's what I've learned about alcohol consumption in relation to losing weight:
    1. Alcohol, especially beer, can ABSOLUTELY add lbs. and keep you from losing. Not to mention that the buzz loosens those inhibitions and then the bar appetizers start looking REALLY good! So much for all that good self-discipline!

    2. If you are going to drink, you should go for light beer, wine spritzers or hard alcohol mixed with water or diet soda only. Martinis are not too bad, as long as they are mixed with vermouth and olive juice only. The ones with flavored schnapps and vodkas are loaded with sugar. Same goes with margaritas and most of the daiquiri and pina colada-type drinks. Avoid any drink made with commercial or house-prepared sweet and sour mix - the sweet is sugar and loaded with calories. I know, that severly limits your drinking options...

    3. Try alternating a glass of water with every alcoholic drink, so as to limit your calorie intake.

    4. Remember that vigorously dancing every song burns calories too, so party on and dance, dance, dance!
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Here's what I've learned about alcohol consumption in relation to losing weight:
    1. Alcohol, especially beer, can ABSOLUTELY add lbs. and keep you from losing. Not to mention that the buzz loosens those inhibitions and then the bar appetizers start looking REALLY good! So much for all that good self-discipline!

    2. If you are going to drink, you should go for light beer, wine spritzers or hard alcohol mixed with water or diet soda only. Martinis are not too bad, as long as they are mixed with vermouth and olive juice only. The ones with flavored schnapps and vodkas are loaded with sugar. Same goes with margaritas and most of the daiquiri and pina colada-type drinks. Avoid any drink made with commercial or house-prepared sweet and sour mix - the sweet is sugar and loaded with calories. I know, that severly limits your drinking options...

    3. Try alternating a glass of water with every alcoholic drink, so as to limit your calorie intake.

    4. Remember that vigorously dancing every song burns calories too, so party on and dance, dance, dance!

    how about Dance Dance Revolution? is that considered weight loss dancing?
  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    Here's what I've learned about alcohol consumption in relation to losing weight:
    1. Alcohol, especially beer, can ABSOLUTELY add lbs. and keep you from losing. Not to mention that the buzz loosens those inhibitions and then the bar appetizers start looking REALLY good! So much for all that good self-discipline!

    2. If you are going to drink, you should go for light beer, wine spritzers or hard alcohol mixed with water or diet soda only. Martinis are not too bad, as long as they are mixed with vermouth and olive juice only. The ones with flavored schnapps and vodkas are loaded with sugar. Same goes with margaritas and most of the daiquiri and pina colada-type drinks. Avoid any drink made with commercial or house-prepared sweet and sour mix - the sweet is sugar and loaded with calories. I know, that severly limits your drinking options...

    3. Try alternating a glass of water with every alcoholic drink, so as to limit your calorie intake.

    4. Remember that vigorously dancing every song burns calories too, so party on and dance, dance, dance!

    how about Dance Dance Revolution? is that considered weight loss dancing?

    :laugh: TOTALLY IS!
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Here's what I've learned about alcohol consumption in relation to losing weight:
    1. Alcohol, especially beer, can ABSOLUTELY add lbs. and keep you from losing. Not to mention that the buzz loosens those inhibitions and then the bar appetizers start looking REALLY good! So much for all that good self-discipline!

    2. If you are going to drink, you should go for light beer, wine spritzers or hard alcohol mixed with water or diet soda only. Martinis are not too bad, as long as they are mixed with vermouth and olive juice only. The ones with flavored schnapps and vodkas are loaded with sugar. Same goes with margaritas and most of the daiquiri and pina colada-type drinks. Avoid any drink made with commercial or house-prepared sweet and sour mix - the sweet is sugar and loaded with calories. I know, that severly limits your drinking options...

    3. Try alternating a glass of water with every alcoholic drink, so as to limit your calorie intake.

    4. Remember that vigorously dancing every song burns calories too, so party on and dance, dance, dance!

    how about Dance Dance Revolution? is that considered weight loss dancing?

    :laugh: TOTALLY IS!

    Oh thats interesting, I better stop laughing at those people. I have to say I get pretty active when I'm playing guitar hero. I mean, I use the guitar-strap. Hair whips. You know, one leg up on the coffee table. I get into that *kitten*.
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