
Hi everyone

I was recommended this site by a friend so thought I would give it a go!

I decided I would start my new healthy eating regime (not using the word diet!!) by doing a 30 day detox. No fizzy juice, no crisps, no chocolate, no bread, as little pasta as possible and loads of water. I am now on day 13 and lost 7lbs in my first week. Weigh in number 2 is on Wednesday so hoping for 1-2lbs now for the remainder of the 30 days. After that I am hoping that my brain will be trained into not wanting the things I have been avoiding. I feel so much better for it and have been doing loads of exercise by joining my local gym, mixture of classes, gym work and swimming.

Hopefully get some tips on here and support to keep me going. I want to lose another 26lbs to get to my goal weight.

Good luck!!