Should I eat back my excersis calories?



  • dynamicwon
    dynamicwon Posts: 175 Member
    I agree with MZ I experimented and found that if I did not eat back my exercise calories (within 100 calories) I stalled on weight loss.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    Thanks! I did it because when I had it set to lose 1lb and I was to eat 1300 calories. If I ate 1400 calories, it had that big red 100, meaning that I was over calorie goal...when really, I was still 400 under! I know it is a little lame to let that red number bother me, but it did!! haha! Also, it is just easier for me to keep up with what I put into my mouth and not the NET calories.

    I'm switching right now! I never log my workouts on here anyway so this will be perfect for me.

    I hope that it works for you! :smile:
    I do the same as Tink .... I eat between 1800 - 2000 daily, then workout. I don't eat the exercise calories back, so depending on the workout my net is between 1400 - 1700. I'm still losing and I get to eat a lot :).

    Me too...I feel like I eat all day and I am never hungry. And, I keep losing too!