Revamping What I Eat and When

I have been hearing more and more lately that a large breakfast filled with protein, medium lunch and light dinner is a better route for those looking for weight loss. I am wondering - do you agree? If so, what do you eat and when?


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I have been hearing more and more lately that a large breakfast filled with protein, medium lunch and light dinner is a better route for those looking for weight loss. I am wondering - do you agree? If so, what do you eat and when?

    There's nothing from a metabolic standpoint that makes the above advantageous.

    That being said, some people choose the above strategy if it makes them feel better and it causes them to make better choices.

    Conversely, there are plenty of people who do exactly opposite, by eating little to nothing during the day and eating most of their calories in the evening.

    Each scenario is perfectly valid. If you're eating the appropriate intake over the course of a day, you're going to make progress regardless of how you partition those calories into your meals.

    My suggestion to you would be to feel free to experiment and see what you prefer the most, and go with that.

    My personal preference is to eat most of my calories at night, and I wake up at about 6:30 am and typically start eating around 2pm or so.