Losing weight, but shape still bothersome



  • Princessbrene
    Princessbrene Posts: 112 Member
    I know exactly how you feel about not knowing what to do with weights. When I first walked in a gym a few years ago, I was clueless. If you can't afford to hire a personal trainer for about a month to get you started, check out this online trainer:


    You may not want to follow the plan exactly, but the weight training recommended is a good basic plan, and there are links to videos that demonstrate how to do each exercise.

    Best of luck! :)

    The link you gave me is GREAT... exactly what I need. Thanks so much!
  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    I know exactly how you feel about not knowing what to do with weights. When I first walked in a gym a few years ago, I was clueless. If you can't afford to hire a personal trainer for about a month to get you started, check out this online trainer:


    You may not want to follow the plan exactly, but the weight training recommended is a good basic plan, and there are links to videos that demonstrate how to do each exercise.

    Best of luck! :)

    The link you gave me is GREAT... exactly what I need. Thanks so much!

    If you need a little extra info, just ask the gym trainers. That's what they are there for. I'm sure they could just show you what the machines do without having to pay for a session.
  • kitavery
    kitavery Posts: 16 Member
    You are doing great!
  • kitavery
    kitavery Posts: 16 Member
    WOW, you eat out a lot.
    Have you considered planing meals for the week & cooking healthy meals at home. :smile:

    This is just stupid.

    OP - I dont see anything logged for your workouts, so I can only assume that you are eating healthier based on the information available. What you are seeing is a combination of fat loss and muscle cannibalism. I suggest continue eating as you do, but add in
    5-6 days of exercise. In that, LIFT. You dont have to lift a ton, but your body is feeding off of the muscle you have. You need to keep this, and actually build it, albeit in small amounts unless you want the "buff" look.

    Try the following - and know, you can knock it out in about 45 mins/day. And for the lifting, find ways to use your own body weight...

    M - Upper Body Lift / Light Cardio
    T - Cardio
    W - Lower Body Lift
    TH - Cardio
    F - Upper Body Lift / Light Cardio

    S - Cardio

    You can skip Saturday, if you want hand have 2 days of rest. The following alternate by starting with Lower Body.

    Hope that helps
    Well that was an uncalled for rude comment (You must not have seen her comment "abs are made in the kitchen".)

    OP... I'm 5'2", weigh 156 and I'm A size 8-10
    What you put in your mouth matters just as much as what you do for exercise.
    And the above workout is a good schedule to follow. smile:

    I am 5'0" and 141 and I am a size 10
    Some bodies hold weight different. No need to point out that you weight more and are a smaller size. Not meant to be rude but it was kind of hurtful for those of us who weigh less....work hard and can't fit into those smaller sizes. I understand her frustration with body not being the shape she desires.

    Lift weights...keep working hard...you are doing great! But above anything learn to accept the body type God has given you and just work at becoming a healthier person!