NSV WAY more important than scale victories- My 2 cents!

My scale has not moved in 2 weeks... and I have to admit... at first this was VERY discouraging! We are programmed when we start eating right and exercising...that we weight to see the fruits of our labor by the numbers inching down...

But really, starting on a journey of this proportion... what IS the outcome you wish? Is it to be 120 pounds... or is it to be fit and toned...to lower body fat... and perhaps even vainly look better in a swim suit? As I dressed for work this morning... I noticed the seat of my slacks were saggy, when I once only a short time ago more than aptly filled them up! I had to buy a belt at lunch b/c I was tired of constently pulling them up...agan, I have not lost a pound in 14 days....

So I guess this is for all of you really putting forth the effort, and perhaps, like me getting a little discouraged... JUST DO IT... keeping working hard, and screw the scale! I am currently at 160... ( and thats something a month ago I would NEVER admit!) and I still have many inches to go... but I really dont care if I am still at 160 when I reach my goal! Happy Monday... and YOU CAN DO IT TOO!


  • healthylifeforme
    healthylifeforme Posts: 156 Member
    I love this! Thanks for sharing. Sometimes we get hooked on the number, when we should really be focusing on the inches. Such a great reminder. Keep up the good work :)
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I love this! Thanks for sharing. Sometimes we get hooked on the number, when we should really be focusing on the inches. Such a great reminder. Keep up the good work :)
    No problem... I just started getting this and was hoping it would encourage those just like me!
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I definately realizing this myself. My scale has no moved since I starting MFP (though I do have a theory that it's broken, lol) but i have lost inches and I feel better about myself. I have been trying to celebrate my NSVs. For instance, My pant we also a little more loose in the caboose this morning :bigsmile:
    Just like you said, I don't care if I stay at my weight as long as I feel good. Thanks for sharing and letting me know I'm not alone! :flowerforyou:
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    this is very true but its hard to change old habits
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I definately realizing this myself. My scale has no moved since I starting MFP (though I do have a theory that it's broken, lol) but i have lost inches and I feel better about myself. I have been trying to celebrate my NSVs. For instance, My pant we also a little more loose in the caboose this morning :bigsmile:
    Just like you said, I don't care if I stay at my weight as long as I feel good. Thanks for sharing and letting me know I'm not alone! :flowerforyou:

    I think its just something we have ALWAYS been told... and we just need to change the way we thing! Great job BTW!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    this is very true but its hard to change old habits

    It really is... but once you accept the #, b/c it really is just a #...
  • jamierizzo
    jamierizzo Posts: 35 Member
    I weighed myself yesterday and actually gained 2 pounds which at first made me not too happy but then I put on my pants and they were baggy which seems kinda strange considering the gain but as long as they keep getting bigger I'm fine with the scale. I used to think the number on the scale was so important but it's how my clothes fit and how I feel about myself that really matter :happy:
  • Jedi_Jewel
    Jedi_Jewel Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I told myself I wasn't going to get on the scale anymore, but I work in a Dr.'s office and pass by the scale 50 times a day. I gave in and stepped on it this morning. UP 2 pounds. But, like you, my clothes are falling off of me. I wish I had enough self discipline to stop getting on the scale. It really messes with my head, even though I know I'm doing all the right things!!!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I weighed myself yesterday and actually gained 2 pounds which at first made me not too happy but then I put on my pants and they were baggy which seems kinda strange considering the gain but as long as they keep getting bigger I'm fine with the scale. I used to think the number on the scale was so important but it's how my clothes fit and how I feel about myself that really matter :happy:

    Absolutely! I woke up the other day after lifting fairly heavy weights the night before ( first time...) and actually was up 4 pounds... gotta admit it freaked me out a little... but I am soo over caring what the scale says!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    Thanks for posting this. I told myself I wasn't going to get on the scale anymore, but I work in a Dr.'s office and pass by the scale 50 times a day. I gave in and stepped on it this morning. UP 2 pounds. But, like you, my clothes are falling off of me. I wish I had enough self discipline to stop getting on the scale. It really messes with my head, even though I know I'm doing all the right things!!!

    Good for you... thats all a scale is truley good for to me anymore... messing with my head!
  • Livingbalanced
    Livingbalanced Posts: 84 Member
    I've said it once and I'll say it again, if it was really about the number, we could lose pounds by cutting off one of our extremities! lol But seeing as that's not typically what we really want, I'd suggest avoiding the #... I'll take inches over pounds EVERY and ANY day! :)
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I've said it once and I'll say it again, if it was really about the number, we could lose pounds by cutting off one of our extremities! lol But seeing as that's not typically what we really want, I'd suggest avoiding the #... I'll take inches over pounds EVERY and ANY day! :)

    And thats why you are my friend....awww... it was folks like you that FINALLY convinced me of this... thank you!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    My scale hasn't moved in about 3 weeks. I'm 5'11 and started at 190. I've been seeing 159 every Sunday morning, no matter what I did during the week. I used the body fat thingy on the scale yesterday. When I got the scale at the end of March I was 25.7% body fat and 159. When I got on yesterday, 23.1% body fat and 159. So, even though the number isn't lower, my body compostion is changing. I've never gone over my calories since I joined about 38 days ago, eat back 1/2 of my exercise calories. I workout 5 times a week for at least 45 minutes, I eat cleanly. So, according to MFP I should be (following all this) losing 1 pound a week. So, I should be around 156 right now, but our bodies do some strange things. Even if the scale doesn't move, just so it doesn't go up, I'm fine!

    Went to buy summer clothes this weekend (Old Navy, big sale, stock up!) and bought all size 8 shorts. Since last year I was approaching a 16 I'm thinking all my hard work has paid off...still stunned every time I put a size 8 on and they are comfortable...
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    My scale hasn't moved in about 3 weeks. I'm 5'11 and started at 190. I've been seeing 159 every Sunday morning, no matter what I did during the week. I used the body fat thingy on the scale yesterday. When I got the scale at the end of March I was 25.7% body fat and 159. When I got on yesterday, 23.1% body fat and 159. So, even though the number isn't lower, my body compostion is changing. I've never gone over my calories since I joined about 38 days ago, eat back 1/2 of my exercise calories. I workout 5 times a week for at least 45 minutes, I eat cleanly. So, according to MFP I should be (following all this) losing 1 pound a week. So, I should be around 156 right now, but our bodies do some strange things. Even if the scale doesn't move, just so it doesn't go up, I'm fine!

    Went to buy summer clothes this weekend (Old Navy, big sale, stock up!) and bought all size 8 shorts. Since last year I was approaching a 16 I'm thinking all my hard work has paid off...still stunned every time I put a size 8 on and they are comfortable...

    Awesome job! And i am still DREAMING about a size 8... but at least my 12s are loose and baggy, where they were tight and uncomfortable just a while back...again... GREAT JOB!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    A really good day! And so happy that many of you are jumping on board with not relying on the scale to measure your progress!
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    After losing 168 lbs (11 more to go) I would like to offer some of my best AHA moments. Each and every pants size (30 down to 10/12).Fitting into an airplane seat with room to spare. Fitting into a restaurant booth (this was a biggie) . Needing to ride the seat in my car all the way forward instead of struggling to get the seat belt fastened and all the way back. Running 5 miles a day from barely being able to make it to my car without heavy breathing. And speaking about heavy breathing, it has certainly changed what goes on in the bedroom :blushing: :blushing: Ther are so many to name here, I could go on and on. The point is you have to keep thankful for everthing and be proud of each and every day and find your victories. God Bless!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    After losing 168 lbs (11 more to go) I would like to offer some of my best AHA moments. Each and every pants size (30 down to 10/12).Fitting into an airplane seat with room to spare. Fitting into a restaurant booth (this was a biggie) . Needing to ride the seat in my car all the way forward instead of struggling to get the seat belt fastened and all the way back. Running 5 miles a day from barely being able to make it to my car without heavy breathing. And speaking about heavy breathing, it has certainly changed what goes on in the bedroom :blushing: :blushing: Ther are so many to name here, I could go on and on. The point is you have to keep thankful for everthing and be proud of each and every day and find your victories. God Bless!

    Very inspiring... thank you so much for the post!