Calorie burn Question

My wife and I cleaned our Garage yesterday in 90 degree plus weather for 3.5 hours since that is not an normal everyday cleaning should it be logged as a calorie burn? Would you log it?


  • ms_tris
    ms_tris Posts: 82 Member
    I would definitely log it. Stuff like that burns lots of calories!! I've done similar stuff (and yard work) the past few weekends. It's a TWO-fer!! Get work done AND burn calories! :0)
  • Karstenf
    Karstenf Posts: 85 Member
    Absolutely! Don't worry so much about the sweat, it's only water weight, it can easily come back, and you will only frustrate yourself if you watch the scale over it. The activity, however, is extra calories burned on top of your norm, so definitely log it. There are lots of things already in MFP's database that you could probably use, i.e. housecleaning, gardening/ get the picture. Keep up the good work!