What is the HCG Trim diet??

I have been hearing about the HCG Trim diet quite a bit on the radio and have seen a couple advertisements for it and was wondering; what is it? Is it a pill? Has anyone tried it? I tried searching it on google, but a ton of stuff came up!


  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    Search for topics related to HCG using the search function...there willl be PLENTY of threads covering this! :)
  • keegannati
    keegannati Posts: 114
    Essentially you take a hormone shot (that doesn't even do anything) and starve yourself half to death.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Oh no you didn't.... This is a taboo topic on MFP
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Don't worry about it. It's for desperate and gullible people. Not for you.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I dare ya to try it.
  • keegannati
    keegannati Posts: 114
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Don't worry about it. It's for desperate and gullible people. Not for you.

    this needs repeating
  • Essentially you take a hormone shot (that doesn't even do anything) and starve yourself half to death.

    I am a massage therapist in a chiro office and the chiropractor offers education and the suppliments that go with this HCG Diet. You HAVE TO BE MONITORED by a doctor. You basically get 500 calories a day and certain foods you can eat. The HCG helps to maintain cravings and hunger pains. But you have to have suppliments for the nutrition you are not getting! So basically in a nutshell yes you are starving yourself half to death. I myself dont like the idea because i still want to be able to eat something besides salad! Yes the pounds melt off but do I think its healthy.. nope... I would rather have a small piece of cake and exercise it off than to feel starved and deprived!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    My doctor had her nurses try it to see if it works. It works NO better than her normal diet alone. Totally not worth the money.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    The HCG helps to maintain cravings and hunger pains.
    Not true. This has been debunked time and time again.
  • nlenz16
    nlenz16 Posts: 73
    Yikes! This sounds horrible!!! Lol. When I looked it up on google all I get is "I've lost 20 pounds in 20 days" and all that crazy stuff. I definitely will not be trying it, I was more so curious as to what the heck it was and why I see it everywhere lately! Lol. :)
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    The HCG helps to maintain cravings and hunger pains.
    Not true. This has been debunked time and time again.

    and that the problem with generalized statements. This is true. It worked for me. Not that I am recommending this diet. I am not but BUT it does work. Although most anorexics are thin because they starve themselves. So there is that.
  • nlenz16
    nlenz16 Posts: 73
    The HCG helps to maintain cravings and hunger pains.
    Not true. This has been debunked time and time again.

    and that the problem with generalized statements. This is true. It worked for me. Not that I am recommending this diet. I am not but BUT it does work. Although most anorexics are thin because they starve themselves. So there is that.

    I definitely believe people when they say it works. I don't think it is for me, i just kinda wanted to know more about it i guess. Lol, but congrats on your weight loss :)
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    HCG in and of itself doesn't do a thing. It's the 500 calories a day that does it, which if course is not healty or sustainable. There are actually many pills and drops which will, in one way or the other, force you to eat less. Take them all, put them in a bag, and dump the idea from your life forever. Sometimes it's difficult to use our own will to eat less but determination will pull through.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Good luck with your weight loss, but the HCG diet has done nothing but HARM to people I know that used it.

    The only reason people lose weight on that plan is you are only allowed to eat 500 calories a day. HCG has been scientifically proven to do NOTHING to help with weight loss or to make it safe to eat only 500 calories a day. It will not protect muscle, reset your metabolism or do anything else the snake oil salesmen that sell it claim. Dr. Simeons was a quack doctor. His "HCG protocol" has absolutely NO scientific backing and is not worth risking your health on.

    Any doctor that pushes the HCG diet plan should be stripped of their license to practice medicine because they are being totally unethical and giving advice that goes against the conclusions of all reliable scientific research on the subject.

    The HCG diet has been studied by many scientific organizations, and they all concluded that HCG, even the "real" injectable version, is no more effective than a placebo, and eating only 500 calories a day for weeks, as recommended by that plan, can cause more health problems than it solves.

    Please read the articles on these websites before you try HCG. I know some people that put their faith in the HCG diet, and became very ill from malnutrition as a result. Then they regained more weight than they lost. Now they wish they never heard of HCG.

    The Government is now in the process of getting all that fraudulent stuff off the market, and it's about time!






  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    The HCG helps to maintain cravings and hunger pains.
    Not true. This has been debunked time and time again.

    and that the problem with generalized statements. This is true. It worked for me. Not that I am recommending this diet. I am not but BUT it does work. Although most anorexics are thin because they starve themselves. So there is that.
    And this is the problem with not understanding the scientific method. You don't know what worked for you - ever heard of placebo effect? Anyway, you are a pretty small sample size. You can't base a conclusion on one person's subjective experience.
  • nikkia65forlife
    nikkia65forlife Posts: 7 Member
    The HCG helps to maintain cravings and hunger pains.
    Not true. This has been debunked time and time again.

    and that the problem with generalized statements. This is true. It worked for me. Not that I am recommending this diet. I am not but BUT it does work. Although most anorexics are thin because they starve themselves. So there is that.
    And this is the problem with not understanding the scientific method. You don't know what worked for you - ever heard of placebo effect? Anyway, you are a pretty small sample size. You can't base a conclusion on one person's subjective experience.

    I agree, it's important to research everything... Putting hormones in your body never appealed to me. As an alternative, I've tried a hormone free weightloss accelerator with all natural ingredients. The drops stimulate your body to make the hormone itself. The main ingredient in it is an appetitie suppressant. To date there are zero side effects. Many doctors have commented after examining their patients, that this program is much safer and yields much better results. Personally, I'm very happy with the results. :) You also can lose on average a pound a day.