C25K How much did you weigh?



  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Ladies, I HIGHLY recommend seeking a proper fitting of shoes. Any problem with supponation, or pronation can throw your knees and hips out of whack. Also remember that you are using muscles that haven't been stressed in a while and that will make your joints hurt until they are strong enough to keep them aligned correctly. Add some strength training, it will help with the pain. I've been a runner since I was 12, off and on due to injury, babies, etc....my knees where killing me when first starting back and then I sought out proper footwear for my issues, and added strength training. What a difference it makes! FYI I'm 154 now at 5'3". FYI when seeking a proper fitting, don't go to the mall or a random sports store, they typically are hired help that do not know the difference between pronation/supponation etc. Find a specialty footwear store that specializes in sports shoes, I warn you, a good fitting pair of running shoes will cost you roughly $120, but I swear it's worth it. You have the rest of your life to stand and walk on your feet and knees, YOU are worth it. Your feet are like protecting your head when biking!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I had a knee injury a year ago, so I worked at strengthening the knee with walking and weight training until I got down to about 140 lbs. I started C25k in January, and I've recently completed 2 5K races, and I'm about to start week 3 of Bridge to 10K.

    A lot of heavier people are able to run, but if you're already having knee problems, you might want to put off running until you lose more weight and get your knees in better condition. While you're strengthening your knees, modify workouts to keep them low impact. Best wishes!

    Afterthought: I also went to a store specializing in running shoes and was fitted. I bought one pair and, shortly after, I found another pair of basically the same shoe at a lower price. Now I have training shoes and race day shoes.
  • jang711
    jang711 Posts: 25 Member
    Not doing the C25K but the non runners guide to marathon running (similar program in the begining). I started at 235 and my knees and everything else was killing me. I invested in a really good (for me) pair of running shoes and the more I ran the better my knees felt. I'm now just under 200lbs and ran 15 miles last week over several days with little or no knee pain.

    Go for it and run at your own pace, I'm the slowest runner out there but I'm doing this for me and my time clock. My goal is always to finish.

    Good luck.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I was 245 when I started running... never had an issue with my knees, but I didn't have the lung capacity... I thought I was having a heart attack more than once, but I pushed thru and now it doesn't even phase me. I love to run!!!

    I say go for it now!!!

    Edit - I agree, get a good pair of runners.. I started in sketchers and the shins hurt alot.
  • rhe276
    rhe276 Posts: 46
    i have only started running this week weighing 267 pounds. My knees hurt, my ankles hurt, my shins hurt....but only when im running. Ive found that the pain that was originally in my knees ALL THE TIME as eased after just a week. The only way i can explain it is that the pain i feel when i am running is a good pain (if there is such a pain) because i am using muscles that are used to sitting on the couch doing nothing! I already have more energy and no longer walk like a heavily pregnant lady! After just a week!! I think this could be just what you need, but if your unsure seek medical advice first. BTW i lost 7lbs this week, which i know is through running. Im not saying its easy, and theres a LOT of walking involved at the beginning but you will get there! Good luck!!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    175, I think. My knee gave me some trouble as well, because I'm 97 years old. I started taking fish oil and that helped. Maybe look into join supplements? Also, make sure you are wearing the right shoes. I went to a running shop and they analyzed my gait and all that. It was worth it.

    You definitely look good for "97 years old." I trust that was a typo? :laugh:
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    Started at 240 and now I'm 218. It's amazing the difference I feel running now from a few weeks ago. :D
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for the input everybody! I think I'm definitely going to wait a few more weeks before I start, but I feel better about trying it now. I guess I should mention that my knees hurt due to previous injuries. I can dance and walk without pain, so that's how I've been getting my cardio in, and it's working, I'd just like to keep pushing harder, as my stamina and strength grow. Jogging seems like a good way of doing that. Also, thanks for the input about the shoes!
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member
    Everybody is different. I started running at the very beginning, wehn I was around 255. I am now 180 and still running... albeit much more efficiently and faster. It seems like most of the advice here is good.

    -start slow, avoid doing too much too soon
    -listen to your body
    -properly fitted shoes
    -cross training/strength training

    Good Luck!
  • TIMY2012
    TIMY2012 Posts: 1
    i am currently over the 200 mark, havent excercised much any in MANY years, felt motivated the other day and thought i was going jogging, got about 5 blocks and felt the pressure in my knees. So now i am starting with brisk walking and squats, the squats are also hard on my knees but i believe water for lubrication and time and continued excercise will help
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 784 Member
    Just do it. I am now 205 with lots of complications on week 7 of the program. I just accidentally ran a 6 mile bout. The only fat related issue is my knees.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    I was 290lbs the first time I started...

    I'm now 252 and run often.. Running clears my head... and it's conditioned my heart quite a bit... just a month ago I was burning 500 calories during my run, and a now I'm burning 250-270 calories..
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    243 Pounds and OUT of SHAPE!! Running 30 Seconds kicked my butt!! But I was motivated and that is all you need!!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Hubby was over 350 and I was over 260 when we started back in January. If you can run on a treadmill it is easier on the knees than on pavement.
  • overit75
    overit75 Posts: 150 Member
    I am starting week 3 tomorrow and I am quite a bit above 250. I run slow but am hoping as the weight comes off and my body gets stronger, my speed will pick up.
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I was over 230 when I first started. It's been a slow road, but I did Week 9 Day 1 today, so it's possible. Like others have said- SHOES!!! I did the first 3 weeks in my normal sneakers and my shins were hurting bad! Then I got my running shoes- no problems.

    Just take it at your own pace and listen to your body. You can repeat days/weeks if you feel its necessary too. I understand about wanting to wait, but my 1 regret about the program is that I didn't start it sooner. I have ankle issues (2 bad sprains including 1 that just never quite healed right), and was leery about it. But I just decided to give it a go and see what happens. So glad I did!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I started at just under 270 and now weigh 232 and am on week 9/able to run for 50ish mins (how long it takes me to run a 5k). and I'll back up what others are saying..GET FITTED FOR SHOES. Go to a Running store (not like D*cks or sports authority, but a specialty running store!) and get fitted. I started week one without being fitted and it was AWFUL...I spent the whole first week walking (limping) around with ice packs wrapped around my knees. I got fitted that weekend & the next week almost ALL of the pain went away.
  • HauteT
    HauteT Posts: 16 Member
    I was just out of my 170's. I am 42 and have not had knee or any other issues. I now run 2 -3 5Ks a week with no problems. Just listen to your body and rest when it tells you too! I'm hoping to be in the 140's at my weigh in next month!
  • BAtobe
    BAtobe Posts: 93 Member
    Ladies, I HIGHLY recommend seeking a proper fitting of shoes. Any problem with supponation, or pronation can throw your knees and hips out of whack. Also remember that you are using muscles that haven't been stressed in a while and that will make your joints hurt until they are strong enough to keep them aligned correctly. Add some strength training, it will help with the pain. I've been a runner since I was 12, off and on due to injury, babies, etc....my knees where killing me when first starting back and then I sought out proper footwear for my issues, and added strength training. What a difference it makes! FYI I'm 154 now at 5'3". FYI when seeking a proper fitting, don't go to the mall or a random sports store, they typically are hired help that do not know the difference between pronation/supponation etc. Find a specialty footwear store that specializes in sports shoes, I warn you, a good fitting pair of running shoes will cost you roughly $120, but I swear it's worth it. You have the rest of your life to stand and walk on your feet and knees, YOU are worth it. Your feet are like protecting your head when biking!

    This! I didn't hear this advice and Im at a stand still at barely week 3 while I heal up and get new shoes. Darn I wish someone had told me not to pound the pavement in old tennis shoes. Knees still killing me, but thankfully my hip pain is done. Im about 177 now but when I FIRST ran (not c25k, just on my own pace) up to 30 minutes, I was about 210 and it wasn't as bad as it is now being smaller but with shoes not right for my feet.
  • DaddyofMEA
    340 lbs for me, I'm at 288 now. I started walking at 2 miles an hour and could only last 30 minutes. I kept at it and kept pushing myself. Now I can comfortably push myself and do 3.2-3.5 miles an hour and have completed my first 5k in just under an hour! I'm still on week one of the C25k program because I cannot complete the running yet, I'm still trying 3 days a week and the other 3 days I just walk on a tread mill. I love the fact that I feel my muscles getting sore, it means I'm doing something. Each week I do something differnt from walking at a 10 incline for 10 minutes to jogging at a 5 mph rate for a minute at a time. I figure by the end of the year I'll be running a 5k in under 30 minutes!

    The point is, keep moving! Find something that motivates you and keeps you moving! No matter how slow you go you're still lapping everyone on the couch!!