Second time around

Fenyx Posts: 87 Member
Well, I joined MFP almost a year ago and was doing quite well actually. I lost 30 lbs and was feeling great. Then came all of the crazy things that happen in life and I lost track of myself. I lost a very important family member, and got a new job that had crazy hours and little chance for healthy eating. I stayed active and did my best without counting. I was alright for a few weeks actually, but I fell and reverted to old eating habits (but thankfully not nearly what they were entirely). I have made small attempts at getting back on but the motivation is lacking. I have few MFP friends that are still active at this point, and I'm feeling quite lost about what to do to keep me motivated and in the game. I started back today and decided I would reach out to the community for some possible guidance to help me get back to where I need to be: on my way to better health and a nicer figure lol. I gained some of the weight back sadly, but in total I started at 193 and I'm at roughly 178. About half of what I lost gained back in about 6 months. I want to get in shape, but I seem to have almost no time or the motivation to make the time. I'm going to start by getting my food logged. One thing that helped me stay in the game a lot when I started were monthly challenges, but I can't seem to find any to try to get back in. So, there you have it, I'm not new to the site, but this is my new start.