A vow to my body

A Vow to My Body.

Body I am so glad we are coming to terms with each other and I want to say I have a few promises I plan to make and keep. You and I are forever, we have to stick together and help each other out. So here it is in a nutshell.

1. I will not eat out more than once a week. We both know we can’t handle all that salt. Also less money spent on eating out means more yoga tops!

2. I will go to yoga 3 to 4 times a week. We love it and we pay for it.

3. I will go to the gym at least 2 times a week. This does not count command pt. Well maybe sometimes is okay.

4. I will be conscious about the things I feed you. A whole pot of mac and cheese is just not good for us. I will eat more veggies and I will be smart about our sugar intake.

5. I will say and think nice things about you. Here are some of my thoughts about you. I love our legs and eyes. Oh and that new found hourglass shape thing is awesome. BTDUBS we look hot in glasses. We rock that sexy Liberian look. That’s just for starters.

6. I know that we are trying to get down to 130. But I would like us to remember where we came from not too long ago. At our worst we were 162 lbs. That’s rough on our five foot frame. Let’s do the math we have lost 23 lbs. That’s over two gallons of milk that we don’t have to carry around anymore. I promise you I will never forget how far we have come even though we have more to go.

7. Last but not least I will try to remember that a clothing size is just a number it doesn’t matter what that number says it’s how we feel that matters

Body I don’t think this is going to be easy and you may have to remind me every once in a while. But we are worth it and We can do this.

Heather (aka the brain of this operation)

Ps. If we have kids let’s not give them a body complex let us be an example for our children to follow.


  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
    Very nicely put and you made me stop to think about all the nice things im noticing about the changes to my body too with just a little room for improvement.

    Thanks for these little reminders to boost our confidences :heart:
  • sprokette
    Great post!!!