The More I Lose Weight. The less I Eat

Alphamale Posts: 3 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I have this little thing about losing weight. I feel great I have lost a total of 48 pounds so far but I find my self eating little to nothing. Now the target calorie thing is telling me to eat less 1500. I just feel that I am stuck now because if I eat less I get light headed. Could any one help me with this and am i the only one with this problem. My target weight loss for right now is 195 pounds but my boxing coach told me to go down to 175 pounds. If i go that low I will not be eating anything at all lol. please any thoughts will be fine.


  • flea
    flea Posts: 56 Member
    I'm new to the forums on here but not new to weightloss :ohwell: From what I've read on here it is advised not to eat under your BMR so my first point would be to workout what your BMR is.

    I'm eating around 1600cals on my non exercise days and around 1900cals on my exercise days. I eat ALOT of food I feel like I'm forever eating.

    Since I read about the BMR I have been doing my best to do that and I was at a plateau for months and now it's slowly coming off again by eating more :D

    I'm from NZ so weigh in kgs but I think my current weight works out at around 150lbs.

    BTW Congrats on your loss to date - well done :)
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Slow your weight loss goals and it will give you more to eat.

    EDIT: wait .. are you eating more on the days you work out? Don't forget to add your exercise calories!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I have this little thing about losing weight. I feel great I have lost a total of 48 pounds so far but I find my self eating little to nothing. Now the target calorie thing is telling me to eat less 1500. I just feel that I am stuck now because if I eat less I get light headed. Could any one help me with this and am i the only one with this problem. My target weight loss for right now is 195 pounds but my boxing coach told me to go down to 175 pounds. If i go that low I will not be eating anything at all lol. please any thoughts will be fine.

    The more you exercise, the higher your numbers will be, therefore, you WILL be able to eat more. That's what got ME exercising, I wanted MORE food! :laugh:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'm not sure I follow you, Yes as you lose weight your maintenance calories generally drop some, but also, as you drop body fat, you should make your calorie deficit smaller, I.E. you can't expect to lose 2 lbs a week if your body fat % is at 20% or lower (for a guy, and even MORE for a woman), you have to temper your expectations to take into account your body type.
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    How many calories would you have to eat to maintain 175? You can eat that many calories. Your weight loss will be slower, but you will still get there.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    If I'm not mistaken, when you start to drop weight, your body senses something's wrong, and doesn't send the 'hunger signal' out, so you get less hungry. That happened to me at first, and I had to force myself to eat all the cals I was alowed to have. Make the most of your cals by giving yourself things that are good for you and use up a lot of cals - peanut butter does it for me.
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