Pork Rinds recipes?



  • Testosterone
    Testosterone Posts: 236 Member
    What are they again? Deep fried skin? Or is it deep fried intestinal lining?
    deepn fried skin. collagen, no protein value.
    I thought collagen was the most abundant protein found in animals making up something like 20-30% of our entire protein content?

    Yeah, thought my biology class was right.

    It has low bio availability, hence why on many pork rind packages, you'll see it says "Not a significant source of protein."

    cant do much for your body with one essential amino acid.
  • AC417
    AC417 Posts: 56 Member
    Damn tasty.

    We let them simmer in a jalapeno-based home-made salsa, then put them in burritos with smashed pinto beans.

    ^^^^ THIS = best breakfast, lunch or dinner EVER!
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