Procrastinators Unite!

Hello fellow MFPers! Do you need to loose 5, 10, maybe 15 pounds but just can't seem to get in gear?..... Me Too!

I'd like to start a group or become friends with a few people who are in the same boat as me, to share ideas to get motivated!!

I know there's no "easy way" to do this, but I think if we can brainstorm enough, we can come up with some great ideas to help each other get into a routine by sharing things like alternative snacks, basic exercises, and simple recipes.

Reply if you're in the same boat!


  • I have the same problems. I have shows I like to watch and right now I just got moved into our new house so excersizing has been put on the back burner. I have found some new motivations. We have dogs and they like to dig in our yard so, I have decided to make sure they get in their walking while I have to get in mine. Also I doubt I will ever run a 5k or something like that but I love to dance. I think cleaning and dancing around while I clean will burn some calories. As for healthy snacks, I'm still working on that. I love grapes so since it is good to drink cold water maybe I will freeze some grapes and blackberries for snack.One lady gave me the adice to pick a veggie and fill up on that. If I do good, I plan to treat myself to some frozen yogurt self serve.