Still a Newbie...decided it was time to introduce myself



  • PandoraMoon
    Wow! You should be so proud of yourself!

    Please add me as a friend if you would like.
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    You are an inspiration JersyGirl. On my walk this morning, I cut it short by 10 min. because I was struggling against pain my hip joints and other areas were compensating - aching upper back of all places. After reading your story, I think that next time, I can keep going, remembering how hard you work.

    In Dec 2009, I came close to dying of a septic infection and spent nearly 2 years coming back to some kind of health and waiting for the huge wound site to close up. When I tried to get out and walk, I wondered if I'd ever get my strength back, because I couldn't walk half way around the block. I've had many moments when I felt despair and could have given up. I can usually find someone who has proven that it can be done, and who inspire me to keep pushing myself. I look to people like you for inspiration, because you overcame much worse odds and your goals are huge and admirable. Thanks for sharing your story.
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    oops BTW - please add me as a friend, if you'd like. I'd be honored.
  • babyann79
    babyann79 Posts: 49 Member
    Wow!! You are an amazing person! Thank you for opening up about such a personal side of your life. Very inspiring!
  • AndyBarrJ
    Hopefully your journey becomes easier with time. You are most definitely an inspiration, now I've realized I have to stop making so many excuses for myself. It is thanks to strong people like you that ppl like me get determination and inspiration. So, Thank You.
    gBless (:
  • JerseyGirl4eva
    Hopefully your journey becomes easier with time. You are most definitely an inspiration, now I've realized I have to stop making so many excuses for myself. It is thanks to strong people like you that ppl like me get determination and inspiration. So, Thank You.
    gBless (:

    thank you & God Bless you as well.