Very Annoying!

OK, so out of the 13 friends I have on here, only 3 are logging everyday and 2 are actually being active with me. It is really hard to find support and motivation when no one on your friends list is taking this seriously, or at least as serious as I am. I am looking for active friends on here because I do need some motivation sometimes and I like to be supportive to other people as well, but if you're not logging in, I can't be of use. I also have questions sometimes either about food or exercising, but I have to either Google it or wing it because no one is there to answer. If anyone is looking for active friends, please send me a friend request. Some info about me is posted on my profile. I have already lost 18lbs, I am looking to get the rest of this unwanted weight off. Is anyone else having a problem like this or am I the only one?