I'm Ready.

CaGinger Posts: 180 Member
Hello! I thought I would share a little bit about me and my progress so far! I found this site about 3 days ago and I love love LOVE it so far! What a great tool!

When I left high school I thought the world was mine to discover and enjoy. Boy did I enjoy! :drinker: I went from 175 to 200 in just under a year. The weight packed on over the next five years of over indulgence and sedentary life style.

Over the last year I have made some really big changes in my life. My boyfriend and best friend of eight years broke up in December of 2008. Looking back I see now that we contributed to each others weight gain in a big way. (He went from 250+ to 375+ and I went from 175 to 290 at my heaviest.) Along with the break up came the realization that I am ready for a big change in other areas. The man I thought I was going to marry is out of my life and now so is the girl that waited for life to come to her! I moved from Napa Valley CA (wine country baby!) to Leominster MA for a fresh start. What a great time for some major changes!

Since August of 2008 to today June 18th, I have lost 44lbs. I used to keep track in a book but realized it was high time to digitize my weight loss! This year is about me and transforming myself. I can't wait for the outside to be as beautiful as the inside! Reading all of the support and encouragement on this site has helped to make me as motivated as I have ever been to really change my life for the better, for the duration. :heart:


  • jdhall
    jdhall Posts: 76
    Good for you! You should be proud of yourself, I am proud of you! That is a great accomplishment. I think you will do great, I have hand written stuff out before and it seems a pain in the butt. I do not mind entering things into this site and looking at all the info from everyone, It helps. Good luck on the rest of your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • CaGinger
    CaGinger Posts: 180 Member
    Thank you!!! I know I could not have gotten this far with out the love and support of my family and friends. Everyone's story is really encouraging! It makes me feel rejuvenated!
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    Congratulations!!! That's a huge acheivement and you really should be proud. :happy: So very happy for you and wish you ALL the best in living a healthy life. :drinker:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to the best website ever. You will love it here, I do. This site is so helpful, supportive, motivational, easy to use, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: Congrats on the weight you have lost already.