Strength training question??..

I have been trying to do some research on what exercises and how many of each I should do as a beginner in strength training. I have found 2 exercises for each muscle group and I should do between 2-3 sets per exercise; however, I am unaware of how often I should be doing the strength training, how long each session should take, and if 2 exercises per group is enough. Also, how long would I do the same set of exercises? Thank you!!


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    maybe try compound exercises instead. things like squats , deadlifts, bench presses and lat pulldowns will work and strengthen several muscles at once. i do a compound program now (new rules of lifting for women) and it's been great for developing strength and fat loss. i workout 3 days a week (sun/tues/thurs) and my workouts last anywhere from 30-45 minutes

    but it all depends on your time. the only time i've ever done multiple exercises for each separate muscle group is when i've wanted to have a split routine where i worked some groups 3 days a week and the other groups the other 3 days. if you do them all on the same day then you will have a long workout (60-75 minutes)

    you basically want to wait 48 hours between working a muscle group.
    each session takes as long as it takes you to get through your exercises...
  • scorn1016
    scorn1016 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you! I will try to search for a compound program.. I assumed I needed to find exercises for each group and do all of them the same day. My husband bought me a dumbbell set because I do not have access to a gym and that is what I looked up exercises for.
  • obliques
    obliques Posts: 3 Member
    I would encourage you to check out the bands to stretch and strength train with from They are great for what you are looking for and it comes with a workout plan an a DVD. I would rec. the purple and black band for you and the green one for your husband. Good luck.