Are you funny?

JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
Hi, I'm Jessie. I haven't been here long but I love it. I'm looking for some nice, funny friends so we can help each other through this.

I have two teenage girls, one special needs son who is 13, and a five year old Princess. I also work full time. We have a pretty busy house. I lived with chronic pain for years and finally had a hysterectomy two days before Christmas. I'm trying to go from barely being able to walk the stairs to my bedroom to being more active and getting in shape again.


  • jmatney79
    jmatney79 Posts: 80
    I'm a frickin riot. or so I've been told. I don't laugh at myself though. Well, yes I do but not because I'm funny, but because I think I'm a moron. Add me! Lets have fun and be fat losers together!!
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    I have been told more than once I'm hilarous - - and very modest. :flowerforyou:

    Friend me!
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    So . . . there are only 2 funny people on MFP? That's just not funny at all.
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    My humor is in the form of sarcasm...
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    funny looking...
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    funny looking...

  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    im not funnie, im a clutz, but i laugh at myself alot.:laugh:
  • mrsred79
    mrsred79 Posts: 79
    My humor is in the form of sarcasm...

    I happen to be fluent in sarcasm as well. ;)
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    You like the potty humor? Farts, poop and everything in between -- I'm your guy.
  • I wish I was funny but I don't think I am at all :( Feel free to add me anyways though if you'd like! I'm always open for more friends and giving others support.
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    I love sarcasm!

    Lisa, you are gorgeous, not funny looking.
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    I've been told I'm funny, but mostly I think I'm just crazy and random. :) I'm always up for new friends though. MFP keep telling me I need more or I won't be as likely to lose weight. So strange.
  • Nope, not funny one bit...I tell the worst jokes & laugh at them.
    I have a habit of falling off my shoes...sandals usually and love playing in the wadding pool with our puppy. I enjoy the mud puddles just a little too I am told.
    I recently got a shiner/black eye by way of a spatula because I was trying to avoid a spanking from my hubby after telling him the puppy ate all of the cookie dough he left on the counter.
    Note to all: Just take the spanking...unless you like seeing lighting & bright flashes of light as a spatula hits you in the eye follwed by your own fist..
    Jessie I think it is wonderful you are getting back to being you. I had a partial hystorectomy in 1992, I was in my late 20's.
    There are some great floor excercises you can do & kegel, kegel, kegel! Build a strong core and you will have a speedy snap back into life experience!
    Good Luck!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    My mom says I'm funny.....mfp moderaters not so much.
  • kimleroy
    kimleroy Posts: 50 Member
    Some would say I'm funny? Entertaining at the least... Also, I love puns and word play, so if you find that humorous, or even if you don't, feel free to add me. I'm just starting out on my journey here and I'd love some buds along with me for the ride!
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    You guys are hilarious. Love it!
  • Bevigal
    Bevigal Posts: 66 Member
    Hi...I am Bev and I love to laugh. I am one of these people that...if there is a weirdo in a 9 mi radius...I am going to get em. I managed this motel for quite a few yrs. and I assure you there was never a dull moment. I was busy one morning helping the clerk chec people out. This older couple barreled through the front door. "Call the police immediately!" There are people next door and they are beating a small baby. I assured tthem that it was impossible for they do not have a baby. The old lady yelled and screamed at me. Finally, I told them look there is a man and woman, no child. He dresses up like a baby and sucks on a bottle... they are playing sex games I suppose." OMG", she said. "Well I never in my life!", she proclaimed. I leaned over the counter, looking them both straight into their eyes and I said, You know..."Whips, chains, candle wax on the nipples...that sort of thing!" ", " Lets go Helen," he said ,as he pulled his wife out the door laughing all the way to their car.
  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    I am funny peculiar :ohwell:

    Feel free to add me
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I must be funny as my boyfriend laughs at what I say a lot - especially when I'm not telling jokes or trying to be quick witted.
  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    This was fun to read :) some of you are very funny and have great personalities :)