Newbie here

Good afternoon,

I just joined MFP and I'm hoping this will be the guiding light i've needed for so many years... just wanted to get some insight from people on what their daily menu usually consists of and what exercise they do? Thanks so much!:happy:


  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Hey!!!! Welcome!!!!
    I will tell you.... I have started making healthier decisions of what I put in my mouth....I have (pretty much :D) given up Coke (I was an addict) I drink TONS of water and I LOG every little thing (sometimes those little things REALLY ADD UP)
    I do lots of cardio and I have added resistance training (I love it!!! It totally kicks my butt, but I LOVE it!!! )
    I do AT LEAST 30 min a day!! 5X/WEEK.... THAT is minimum... I squeeze in more where I can (I'm a mom of two little ones...I have to get really creative sometimes)
    ANYWAY, good luck!!! MFP is a wonderful site!!! :happy:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Hi Erica and WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    I try to eat 6 small meals a day, with lots of fiber, fresh veggies and fruit. You can do this! Be HONEST and you will go far!

    :flowerforyou: Pip
  • CaGinger
    CaGinger Posts: 180 Member
    Hello hello!

    In the morning I have my daily coffee, oatmeal (with a tiny bit of milk and sugar) and a banana. Or I do special k cereal some sort of fruit or egg.

    For a snack I have a yogurt on my break (yoplait 99% fat free). Or some carrot and celery sticks.

    Lunch varies from salads to chicken to sandwiches anything easy I can pack to go.

    Mid afternoon snack is carrots or cucumbers or celery sometimes a mix of all 3.

    Then for dinner fish or chicken with some kind of veggie. :happy:

    Good luck!!
  • jhedric1
    jhedric1 Posts: 3
    Brand new here!
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Brand new here!

    Well welcome to you toooooo!!!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: Good Luck!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to the best website ever. You will love it here, I do. This site is so helpful, supportive, motivational, easy to use, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • lucyannann
    lucyannann Posts: 2 Member
    I'm New here two i do the small 6 meals a day to.
    at first it was hard
    but it gets better.