Help with breakfast calories?



  • Becca224
    Becca224 Posts: 36
    Now that sounds like a healthy and yummy idea. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe!
  • IamJacksColdSweat
    IamJacksColdSweat Posts: 106 Member
    I agree 100% with those who said to have protein for breakfast. I find the protein+fat combo helps keep me satiated during the day, until lunch.

    I usually eat 2 scrambled eggs (whole eggs, not just the yolks :) ) with jalapenos and tabasco, 2 cups of steamed spinach and a few slices of turkey bacon (or you can even do regular bacon; I just find that turkey bacon cooks better in the microwave than regular bacon and thats usually how I cook bacon. Yes, I'm lazy ). Canadian bacon is a great choice too! My breakfasts are usually around 250-300 calories and keep me full for hours.
  • StrawberrySt
    Banana is quite good over weetbix! Quick oats are a great idea too seeing as we are coming into Winter in Australia.

    I always have a snack at 10:30am and it's usually Greek yoghurt and a banana, this keeps me going till lunch at 1:30pm.

    Becca, have you ever tried weetbix dry with vegemite? it's like a crunchy thick crispbread!
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    You can try this...

    1/2 cup of Oatmeal
    1 Tbsp of Peanutbutter
    1 scoop of Protein Powder
    1 Bananna
    Depending on the protein powder its Roughly about

    455 Cals
    60 Carbs
    35 Protein
    20 Sugar

    This i have at 6-630 am

    Then im off to the Gym shortly after ( i like to workout in the morning)

    mix everything together and microwave for 45sec and voila ready to eat.

    I have this EVERY MORNING


    Thanks, sounds like a great recipe. Must try it one morning. Can I ask what protien powder you use as I have never used protein powder before. Thanks

    I use fairly expensive powder Dymatize Nutrition ISO-100 (Gourmet Chocolate) or Nature's Best Isopure (Dutch chocolate)

    But i have a few friends that use EAS or Designer Whey. Which you can get at most Retail stores such as Target,Walmart etc.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    So I was looking for advice as to whether people find that having a larger breakfast means they don't get hungry as earlier, I am looking for food at 11:30 am, and does this help them loose weight or am I better off just sticking to my small breakfast and staying hungry till lunch or having a snack between breakfast and lunch.

    Would love to hear from other people regarding their experience or personal prefrence. As some say having a larger breakfast actually makes you loose more weight, and others don't. So very confused.

    Thank you :)

    For me the foods I eat for breakfast do make a difference. But for me prior to being on MFP required alot of food sensitivities/allergy testing.

    I make sure my breakfast is PACKED with protein, vegetables and fat. This morning I made a two-egg omelet with 1/4 C sharp cheddar cheese, sauteed mushrooms, onions, peppers, tomatoes and spinach and three strips of extra-thick cut maple-cured bacon (I make my own bacon btw).

    I ate this around 6:15am this morning.

    This meal will 'keep' me until about 11:30am (just like it did yesterday) - Then I make sure I have water to hold me until 12:00pm when its lunch time.

    I cannot have breads/potatoes/rice/pasta/corn/most flours because of some serious health issues so, for me, a big meal would be about 500 calories for breakfast(6am), about 500-600 calories for lunch(12:00pm), but around 400 for dinner (6pm-ish) - sometimes less.

    I do think a variety of foods is important. Where you are having cereal, adding more from the bread-grain group wouldnt give you the variety you should be targeting. Consider other ways - perhaps adding fresh berries to your cereal, snacking on vegetables (I love the crunch-factor of fresh vegetables - nice and loud! LOL) Find a balance in your meals...
  • Becca224
    Becca224 Posts: 36
    Banana is quite good over weetbix! Quick oats are a great idea too seeing as we are coming into Winter in Australia.

    I always have a snack at 10:30am and it's usually Greek yoghurt and a banana, this keeps me going till lunch at 1:30pm.

    Becca, have you ever tried weetbix dry with vegemite? it's like a crunchy thick crispbread!

    Can't say I have ever tried that but I do like vegemite so maybe I will give it a go!
  • Becca224
    Becca224 Posts: 36
    You can try this...

    1/2 cup of Oatmeal
    1 Tbsp of Peanutbutter
    1 scoop of Protein Powder
    1 Bananna
    Depending on the protein powder its Roughly about

    455 Cals
    60 Carbs
    35 Protein
    20 Sugar

    This i have at 6-630 am

    Then im off to the Gym shortly after ( i like to workout in the morning)

    mix everything together and microwave for 45sec and voila ready to eat.

    I have this EVERY MORNING


    Thanks, sounds like a great recipe. Must try it one morning. Can I ask what protien powder you use as I have never used protein powder before. Thanks

    I use fairly expensive powder Dymatize Nutrition ISO-100 (Gourmet Chocolate) or Nature's Best Isopure (Dutch chocolate)

    But i have a few friends that use EAS or Designer Whey. Which you can get at most Retail stores such as Target,Walmart etc.

    Mmmm I like the sound of the ones you use, but will see if I can find those or at least the EAS or Desgner Whey. Thanks for sharing!
  • Becca224
    Becca224 Posts: 36
    Just as an update I did try eating half a english muffin with vegemite spread on it this morning, was planning on having an egg on top instead but ran out of time as I overslept slightly. Will try that tomorrow. However it does seemed to have made a small difference as ussually by now I will be reaching for a snack however am still full. So it looks like adding that something extra has helped make a difference. It is also giving me a little more energy, or that could just be the slight sleep in talking :P. Either way or your suggestions have been helpful and I will be trying some of them over the weekend. Thanks again!