


  • Teapotdomescam
    flax milk, frosted mini wheats and raisin bran.
    Can't go wrong!
  • PinkAndSparkle
    If you haven't gone in 10 days, upping your fiber will just cause "bulking" and won't actually help move you along. I would try a stool softener, as well as TONS of fluids (prune juice and coffee are great), also there are some really good tea's out there that help. I always liked the ginger Yogi tea...always does the trick! People also swear by "Smooth Move" tea also by Yogi. Watch out for sugar substitutes, as they can cause constipation as well. If this continues, you should really talk to your doctor to rule out obstructions.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Are you taking any medication that could cause this?

    Have you been to a doctor about it?

    I've had recent bouts of constipation, this was due to medication I was taking, it was incredibly painful after a few days so I can't imagine what ten days would feel like so I would go to a doctor if not. Otherwise watch your fibre intake don't go too high as it can have the opposite effect, I found high fibre crackers really helped along with high fibre fruit and veg, bananas, curly kale, broccoli, and lots of fluids, on the odd occasion I took senokot to get things moving again. Exercise also really helps.
  • LizzBetty
    LizzBetty Posts: 11
    I found that removing white breads, and white pastas from my diet and focusing on raw fruits and veggies and lean meats when I have them helped me go more regularly.
  • helenMarybaldwin
    helenMarybaldwin Posts: 5 Member
    Thankyou every one, I have today started on the prune juice and tring to up my all bran. I find fruit just clogs me up more, I have been told only to eat fruit first thing so I may go back to grapefruit , I stopped as I was tring to jig the food up a bit as the last 7 pounds are taking ages to shift,
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    so many people said fiber...well that will help...but it often makes the problem worse if you dont up you water intake,

    I tried many far the easiest and most pleasant....1/2 to 1 cup of strawberries per day!
  • royalty_mind_1me
    royalty_mind_1me Posts: 284 Member
    Please help I seem to have a very lazy bowel and it can be about 10 days before I go to the loo. I drink lots of fluid to try and help does anyone have the same problem? What can I do to have more regular movements as it makes me very grumpy and irritable. I don't really want to take a laxative everyday,

    glad you were bold to write this post...took the words right out of my mouth :sick: I will loose faster with the Pro-biotic and Pearl that was recommended

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  • rebrafe
    rebrafe Posts: 64
    I was just told today to take 1-2 Magnesium pills/capsules at bedtime. With the coffee in the morning, it is supposed to do the trick.
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    Water water water! Have you ever tried enemas or colonics? You'd only need to do it a time or three to get flushed out. Then you could easily maintain the balance with high fiber diet (or supplement, but diet is best. I get 30-50g a day with diet alone), using flax seeds or chia seeds is great. Beans and lentils have lots of fiber, as do leafy green veggies. Take a STRONG probiotic every day (30+ billion CFU'S), and EFA supplements (flax oil, evening primrose, borage oils). Rhubarb works as well as prunes...and I prefer to eat the fruit as opposed to drinking the juice. Good luck!
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    I had a huge problem with this when I started cutting my calories to around 1500 per day. While I'm not a fan of laxatives or stool, softeners I did find a solution that works great for me. I eat plenty of fiber (Fiber One snacks are one of my daily favorites), but the drop in calories and fats just seemed to stop me up. While it might not be for everyone, I began eating the Pringles Light - made with Olean. It's the fat/oil substitute they manufacturered years ago in the Wow chips that caused diarrhea. Well, when you have constipation because of dieting, it seems to work as a mild softener or at least it helps to keep me regular without the use of medication. :blushing: