Non-tart fruits, snacking veggies?

I desperately need more fruits and vegetables in my diet. I'm currently only getting 2-3 servings a day. My problem: I don't like most fruits and vegetables.

Fruits first: I can't stand foods that are even slightly tart. This rules out a lot of fruit options. Often it's an issue of ripeness (I once had a truly ripe strawberry and it was decadent, but that was one experience out of 20 or more). I generally find fruits from the grocery store to be unripe and tart, but I don't have easy access to other options like farmer's markets. I eat a lot of bananas, but I'm getting sick of them. I'm planning to buy some cantaloupe on my next grocery run, but I need some more variety. Suggestions?

Veggies: I always buy vegetables with the idea of snacking on them, but then they sit in the fridge until they become science experiments. I will eat raw broccoli and carrots if I dip them in ranch, but I don't want to do that because it adds calories and fat (can't stand fat free ranch). What other vegetables do you snack on?


  • Fruits: I highly recommend pineapple and Cutie's Oranges. They are both very sweet. As long as you find them at the right time peaches and nectarines are great fruit choices as well. :) Also a frozen fruit and Greek yogurt smoothie is a great way to get fruit. I make a great one that is very sweet and only about 180 calories.

    Veggies: I love raw mushrooms and cucumbers are great too. I find if I chop the veggies up the day I bring them home and put them in little snack baggies I am less likely to let them sit in the fridge and rot. Also the frozen veggies that you steam in the micro are great just avoid the ones with sauces. (Except the garlic cauliflower! It's awesome and low in calories.)

    Hope this helps good luck!