looking for advice on monitoring tools

I am currently a newbie to MFP, been here a week or so. I am wondering what monitoring tools everyone uses or has tried and what you think of it. I have considered and started to research those lovely electronic gadgets that monitor heart rate, calories burned, etc. I once used a cheap pedometer but hated the inconsistent readings it gave me. i am on a budget, but am more concerned with purchasing a user-friendly, effective, useful tool than a cheap one that will end up in a drawer or shelf collecting dust! I have an ipod and the NikePlus shoes (bought the shoes b/c I liked them, not because of the NikePlus feature, my kids pointed that out). so that is one option. But then I think maybe one of those tools that I can plug in more data such as diet, sleep, etc. or something i can wear all the time might be better. I am a teacher and can't wear my Nikes all the time anyway. So, generally I'm just looking for notes and feedback on your experiences more than advice on the following questions: 1. What monitoring tool do you use? 2. What can you track with the gadget/software? 3. How effective has it been? i.e. Would you buy it again? 4. How much could I expect the setup to cost me? (upfront and ongoing costs?)

I know I can lose weight without all the fancy doo-dads, but I do like data to some extent (nerd, maybe, but I like to consider myself more intellectual). And since my weight and health have been a pretty-much lifelong battle and I want to try to find ways to increase motivation to get and stay healthy, I am looking for something I can pretty much make a part of my life from this point forward.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your experiences.


  • mrsred79
    mrsred79 Posts: 79
    bump for later...I'm interested in this too.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Started by getting a FitBit first. This was because I had very little desire to do cardio and needed to start somewhere. I'll be honest and tell you that I was very skeptical about the FitBit when DW first mentioned getting one, because I didn't really think that it would do anything. Boy was I wrong. Within a week of getting my FitBit it showed me that I was actually not as active as I had thought. That got me moving. FitBit also has what it calls "Badges" that are basically achievements for doing certain things, some badges are daily goals and others are lifetime achievements. That more than anything got me going at first because I am a gamer--not only that, but I am a completionist gamer. In case you aren't familiar with that term, it means I spend hours and hours on a game trying to discover every secret, unlock every achievement, follow every sidequest, etc..

    I have since gotten a HRM (a Polar FT-40) and have started doing Power 90. During which I use my HRM, but my FitBit stays on me day and night. The only time it comes off is when I am showering (I put it on to charge at that point) or when DW and I are, erm, doing our taxes...

    The bottom line is that I love my FitBit and I think that it more than anything has helped me to get motivated to do stuff. I love my HRM as well, but I love it because it gives me accurate data and helps MFP to motivate me. The HRM by itself isn't a huge motivator. I cannot recommend the FitBit as a first purchase more. Hope this helps.
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    I heart rate monitor with a chest strap and a digital food scale are really the ONLY things I feel that have helped me. The HRM so I know how many cals I'm burning so I know how many I need to eat back. The food scale to watch my portion sizes.
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    MFP is really nice for tracking food. You can input recipes and save meals, etc. I don't use anything else.

    For the exercise part, I asked around quite a lot and I think a HRM is the best option. One that gives heart rate, calories burned (get a model that you input height, weight, body fat%, even better if it measures your resting HR, from your sleep. From those stats and your current HR, it gives a pretty accurate reading of calories).

    I considered the FitBit advertised here but it seems to lack interesting features when it comes to active workouts. I don't really care about steps or calories burned while at the computer, but I want details when I'm out running though :p

    I use smart phone apps to map bike rides and runs : Endomondo mostly. These days I use RunDouble to help with the Couch to 5k program too. And as soon as they release the Android version, I'll buy Zombies, Run! just because it is awesome.

    HRM : 80$ on amazon, the Polar FT7 seems pretty popular, user friendly and reliable.
    Chest Strap : 20$, worth it to use with the HRM.
    Endomondo : 4$, it syncs online, tracks with your friends, etc. Really nice.
    MFP : Free :)

    Good luck with your journey!
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Oh, and if you like the "gaming" part that LordBezoar mentionned about the FitBit, check www.fitocracy.com .

    It's kind of a social network about fitness. You actually gain points with each activity you log. You gain levels, you unlock achievements, you can join groups centered around activities you like, and they offer challenges for more points, there are quests, etc.

    A really nice geeky way to look at fitness :) It's in "Beta", but PM me if you need an invite.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I am currently a newbie to MFP, been here a week or so. I am wondering what monitoring tools everyone uses or has tried and what you think of it. I have considered and started to research those lovely electronic gadgets that monitor heart rate, calories burned, etc. I once used a cheap pedometer but hated the inconsistent readings it gave me. i am on a budget, but am more concerned with purchasing a user-friendly, effective, useful tool than a cheap one that will end up in a drawer or shelf collecting dust! I have an ipod and the NikePlus shoes (bought the shoes b/c I liked them, not because of the NikePlus feature, my kids pointed that out). so that is one option. But then I think maybe one of those tools that I can plug in more data such as diet, sleep, etc. or something i can wear all the time might be better. I am a teacher and can't wear my Nikes all the time anyway. So, generally I'm just looking for notes and feedback on your experiences more than advice on the following questions: 1. What monitoring tool do you use? 2. What can you track with the gadget/software? 3. How effective has it been? i.e. Would you buy it again? 4. How much could I expect the setup to cost me? (upfront and ongoing costs?)

    1 - Polar HRM and Garmin HRM/GPS jog/bike computer, and Body Media Fit.

    2 - Polar - workout avg/max HR, time, calories.
    2 - Garmin - everything under the sun and then some. Geek dream with SportTrack program for data analysis.
    2 - BMF - daily non-exercise calorie burn is mostly accurate, if exercise is walking, that is pretty accurate for calories. Sleep effectiveness, though waking up will tell you that too. Steps logged, though it never motivated me to do more, because unless you bought more expensive options, you can't view data until end of day sync. FitBit shows you on the device.

    3 - Polar - good for knowing calories burned, keep recovery runs really recovery, keeping interval Spin classes to really high/low sessions. Yes, would rather have one with more actual training features, but got cheap one for mainly calorie burn info, sad.
    3 - Garmin - Great for programming in running intervals, HR warnings so rides/runs are recovery level, HR warnings so no burnout too quick on long rides, big time buy again.
    3 - BMF - stopped after 3 months because of not accurate on true exercise, and once I knew my avg daily burn without exercise - not really useful anymore, as my daily non-exercise routine doesn't change much at all. Would NOT buy again. Perhaps a FitBit with cheaper and no sub price.

    4 - Polar - $70 US for cheaper model.
    4 - Garmin - Current setup, not sure, gotta be over 150, especially if you add on cadence sensor for bike. Program was 20 and totally worth it, can manually log workouts too.
    5 - BMF - 150, plus sub price.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Thanks for your input everybody. I think maybe I will start with a fitbit, but I am really interested in the HRM too. the Polar FT7 looks good. It seems like the Fitbit will give me a general sense of my everyday calorie usage, versus just the estimates on MFP (those are appreciated but how close are they to what I really burn on a regular basis? Since I have always struggled with my weight and am getting "older", I think the Fitbit might actually be a good jumping off place. After a few months, the HRM will be in line for purchase. That's the plan for now!