What macronutrient ratios work best for you??

monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
What macronutrient ratios have worked for you for getting leaner and lowering body fat? Im currently set at 40% carbs 35% protein and 25% fat. I adjusted this from 30/40/30 CPF after noticing i would drop more weight when i would eat more carbs on purpose.. just currious to see what others find success with and how often you adjust macros if necessary, and if you try any type of carb cycling or adjusting your macros depending on if its a lifting day.


  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    bump. im curious to know too.

    I think mine are currently set at 40/35/25 p/c/f
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I have not been using ratios just minimum protein and fats. I try to reach a minimum of 160 grams of protein a day and a minimum of 40 grams of fat. The rest of my calories I just make up with whatever up to my calorie goal for the day..

    I found this video very helpful.

  • mariagabriella
    mariagabriella Posts: 267 Member
    40/30/30 cpf.

    Working well for me so far.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I have not been using ratios just minimum protein and fats. I try to reach a minimum of 160 grams of protein a day and a minimum of 40 grams of fat. The rest of my calories I just make up with whatever.

    I found this video very helpful.


    yeh those are the basic guidelines i have been starting to use... just minimum protein and fat essentials. i used to be afraid of carbs =/
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    1g of protein per pound of LBM
    .35x body weight in fat
    rest depends on the day. I don't really have set ratios, I just go by grams. SO much easier xD
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    1g of protein per pound of LBM
    .35x body weight in fat
    rest depends on the day. I don't really have set ratios, I just go by grams. SO much easier xD

    yeh thats kind of where i was at with the 30/40/30 CPF before i changed it
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Bump to follow the thread
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    I'm halfway to my goal of losing 50 lbs. If I keep my protein in the mid 40's and eat clean, my fat always ends up at 15-20%. So a typical day is 45-35-20. If I go any higher on the carbs, my appetite goes through the roof. I'm just ending the first phase of p90x, and I've thrown in an extra helping of complex carbs (whole grain bread and a piece of fruit) twice in the last two weeks when I felt less energetic in a workout. It gives me the required boost for the next workout. MFP is great because at the end of the day you can easily see what you need for the last snack to meet your calorie requirement and keep your ratios in check. I'm not following the p90x diet plan at all.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I have not been using ratios just minimum protein and fats. I try to reach a minimum of 160 grams of protein a day and a minimum of 40 grams of fat. The rest of my calories I just make up with whatever.

    I found this video very helpful.


    yeh those are the basic guidelines i have been starting to use... just minimum protein and fat essentials. i used to be afraid of carbs =/

    Yeah carbs really get a bad rap.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    I was at 40p/30f/30c...I was constantly bloated and always had a stomach ache...felt horrifyingly fat...

    Changed a few weeks ago to 30p/30f/40c...I feel much thinner..do not have stomach issues and I seem to be dropping weight again...

    I could only reach my 40% goal by adding protein powder...getting my protein naturally is probably more beneficial anyways!
  • Ayla20103005
    Ayla20103005 Posts: 104 Member
    I am paleo/primal, and don't track often but when I do its 60% fat/30 protein/10% carbs. This works best for me, I feel the best, and lose slowly (not in a rush). All my health issues disappeared, which is what I care about the most.
  • regmcc
    regmcc Posts: 81 Member
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    I just changed mine to 45c/30p/25f, but my biggest problem lately has been eating enough good food to get to my calorie goal (GOOD FOOD being the keywords--I can go to McDonald's and eat all I want LOL). I was 525 cal under yesterday and I kinda felt it this morning, so I'm thinking of adding a protein supplement during the day. I'll be interested to see what everyone else says.
  • joy31021
    joy31021 Posts: 216
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 266
    I'm set at 40/40/20 p/c/f.

    Before this, I was losing, but not toning. As soon as I increased my protein and changed up my macro's, the body fat started going down and the lean muscle started to show.
  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    Set to 40C/30P/30F as per The Zone and New Rules of Lifting for Women.
  • VirginiaWoof
    i work on 50-30-20 but i would like to get it down to 40-30-30. i love fruit too much though.

    EDIT: that's Carb-Protein-Fat
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I just changed mine to 45c/30p/25f, but my biggest problem lately has been eating enough good food to get to my calorie goal (GOOD FOOD being the keywords--I can go to McDonald's and eat all I want LOL). I was 525 cal under yesterday and I kinda felt it this morning, so I'm thinking of adding a protein supplement during the day. I'll be interested to see what everyone else says.

    "good" is a relative term. the body doesnt see that you are eating a cheeseburger or pizza it just looks at it as protein, carbs, or fats. if you really have trouble reaching macro goals then its fine to eat "junk" food as long as micronutrient requirements are covered. I always eat "healthy" foods because im pretty much hungry all of the time i need the extra fiber and complex carbs to remain satiated, and if i were to eat simple carbs it would be much harder to tame my appetite even though in actuality i could eat mcdonalds and get leaner