Do you weigh yourself everyday?



  • thatdude3
    thatdude3 Posts: 33
    Sometimes I will hop on the scale during the week but I usually do it once a week on the same day and time. I think this gives you the read of how things are going. If I check everyday I would just drive myself insane because my body weight is all over the place each day. When I weigh myself each week I just look for some mount of weight loss even if it isnt my target of 2 pounds I am still happy.
  • I do weight watchers so I get weighed once a week, although I sometimes weight myself at work too see of I have lost, stayed the same or gained every few days!

  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I used to and found it helpful to understand the range of my daily fluctuations and which was actual loss or gain and also to see the effects of dropping wheat (water retention dropped dramatically)

    Now I'm only losing a few pounds a month as only got 4lb to go so I just weigh & log once a month now after water comes off from TOTM to see how much I have left to go.

    Sometimes I hop on inbetween to make sure not gaining but I'm usually within the same 5lb range.
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    Once a week, but every once in awhile I'll weigh myself after a workout, LOL:)
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Every morning at the same time, same place. etc. The Wii Fit actually asks you to do this as part of the routine. I only pay attention to the trend - not the daily fluctuations. It has given me a lot of insight into my body and the effedt different foods have on me (Chinese = water. etc). Being a "numbers nut" I would have a hard time not doing this.
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Yea I weigh myself once a week usually on the same day and before I have my breakfast. Yea its not a good idea to weigh everyday, because your weight changes and is not always a true record. Get yourself into a routine of weighing yourself once a week and then put the scales out of the way. Its hard but its got to be done:wink:
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    Yep...I weigh every morning. The fluctuations don't bother me, im eating too good to gain weight. ;)

    Love this answer. And I've come round to the same way of thinking: I stay consistent, so the weight eventually does go down. Right now, am 4lbs up but I get why and I just do not care. I know all I have to do is keep going and it will come off, and I'm cool with playing the long game. Plus, I'm happy with my food intake.

    I think the key is looking at it long term, and weighing every day sort of goes against that. I *do* weigh every day, always have, but really, the important thing is what the scales say in, say, one month's time. I'm only aiming to lose 0.5lbs a week max, so if they're 2lbs down in 30 days time it's a win.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    Yeah, out of habit. I'm always curious about fluctuations. I've gotten to the point where it doesn't affect me, though I do feel better when it's "leveled out"
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I do just to make sure that I don't begin to gain without knowing it. But, I remember that my weight can change by a pound or two daily.
  • I do!!! I'm addicted

    Have my official weekly "weigh day" when I put my weight into MFP but weigh every morning at home, straight out of bed naked weight.... then weigh again when I get to clothes (hell we're an office of girls...scales are a necessity!!)

    Don't know why I do it...the daily fluctuations don't seem to matter it's just the day doesn't seem complete without it!!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    One time per month - thats it.

    The scale is NOT a valid source of information nor is it viable. It does not fully represent nor encompass true weight loss.

    Ill break out the measuring tape because that will always be accurate and give real results.
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    I weigh every morning before getting dressed for work. I have a definite pattern. Anything I eat over my calories does NOT show up the next morning. It is the second day. It keeps me honest. If I dont weigh every day, then I dont weigh. Then I start to fall off the wagon (so to speak). Then, next thing you know 2 months have gone by and I have shot back up 10 pounds. :noway: Weighing works for me. I know my fluctuations but if the scale doesnt move, it makes me more determined to MAKE it! I find it motivational and never discouraging. Different things work for different people.
  • dave30309
    dave30309 Posts: 13 Member
    I weigh every day and post it on MFP just like my food and exercise. It helps to me watch for trends and to stay focused. I don't stress about the numbers.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    When I restarted my fitness journey at New Years. I was really having a hard time with the scale. I was the highest weight I've ever been and it was just painful seeing that number.

    However, I'm back to weighing in everyday. I enjoy seeing those day to day variations. If my muscles are really sore, they soak up water like a sponge and I can expect a big gain on the scale the next day. I *know* that no matter how flawed my calorie counting is... I'm not going to gain 2lbs of fat in a day. Just not gonna happen.

    I also get very motivated by every little downward number - even if its small.

    I feel less neurotic seeing it every day - I only record once per week though.
  • brytwig
    brytwig Posts: 2
    Weekly for me (every Friday) I used to weigh myself everyday but got obsessive over it x
  • My weight doesn't just "randomly fluctuate" from day to day, due to "water and other stuff"- my weight changes based on the food that I eat, and my level of exercise.

    Weighing myself every day helps me understand how my body processes the food that I eat, and make sense out of my weight. If part of your fitness goal includes weight loss, and you really want to optimize your diet to lose in a healthy way, then a daily weigh-in can really help.
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    Weekly, Friday
  • Shyhmim
    Shyhmim Posts: 27
    LOL i weight myself a few times a day just to make sure my weight doesnt get out of hand before its too late...:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    But i think its more of an obsession rather than anything else..HAHAH..i can't wait to see if i've made any progress or not..:blushing:
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I love GRAPHING daily weight. More data point. (via MFP).
  • sam_gamgee
    sam_gamgee Posts: 138 Member
    Same here. Actually I'm quite a bit more nerdy - I set up a spreadsheet and calculate a seven day moving average, which irons out the fluctuations quite nicely, so I don't have to wait for weeks or months at a time to see how I'm going. :drinker: