will i burn enough cals??

I dont have time to fit the gym in, i have a 6yr old who is at school and a 2yr old who stays at home with me during the days, i spent 4hrs a day doing the school run and my hubby doesnt get home from work to late so for my exercise ive been doing 30 Day shred and Banish Fat, boost Metabalism.....but recently my 2yr old scratched my BFBM dvd and it wont work so ive put together my own little work out to do everyday after ive finished 30DS, MFP doesnt have the moves in the database so this is how i have logged it....do you think i'd burn this many cals?? im 5' 5.5'' and weigh 147lbs...

30 Day shred- 20 mins 117 cals

i repeat all the below twice
staggered hands push ups 20
Hip raises 20
bird dogs 20
military press with hand weights 20
side kicks 20
leg swings 20
front kicks 20
moguls 20
back kicks 20
punch combos 20
knee crunches 20
standing pikes 20
mountain climbers 20

all the above takes me about 13mins and i put down i burn around 112 cals
i then do 6 different types of adbominal crunches for 30 secs each (repeated twice) 61 cals

only started this yesterday so i dont have any results yet :0)


  • stephl21uk
    stephl21uk Posts: 123 Member
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    all the above takes me about 13mins and i put down i burn around 112 cals
    i then do 6 different types of adbominal crunches for 30 secs each (repeated twice) 61 cals

    only started this yesterday so i dont have any results yet :0)

    You just started yesterday - you wont see immediate results - you are gonna have to be dedicated into doing this like a habit for at least 21 days.

    Every person is different as far as how 'effective' it will be versus the actual effort you put into it. You are not exercising nearly enough to get your heart rate up and maintaining that heart rate in a 13 minute timeframe.

    When your son goes down for nap - not sure if you do put him down for a nap, but... that would be the ultimate time to do a real workout.
  • stephl21uk
    stephl21uk Posts: 123 Member
    all the above takes me about 13mins and i put down i burn around 112 cals
    i then do 6 different types of adbominal crunches for 30 secs each (repeated twice) 61 cals

    only started this yesterday so i dont have any results yet :0)

    You just started yesterday - you wont see immediate results - you are gonna have to be dedicated into doing this like a habit for at least 21 days.

    Every person is different as far as how 'effective' it will be versus the actual effort you put into it. You are not exercising nearly enough to get your heart rate up and maintaining that heart rate in a 13 minute timeframe.

    When your son goes down for nap - not sure if you do put him down for a nap, but... that would be the ultimate time to do a real workout.

    this is the time he goes down for a nap, i do it all directly after doing jillian micheals 30 day shred dvd and believe me i put everything in to it im sweating more when i finish that than i am after doing 30DS and my heart is going 20 to the dozen :0)........it doesnt take me 13mins that was a mistake on my part it takes around 33mins so in all on top of the dvd and doing crunches its an hours work out :0)