New to MFP...any ideas on lowering cholesterol?????

Hey guys! I'm new to MFP. I'm on my 7th week of my "lifestyle change". I am 5'3" and started at 153 lbs 7 weeks ago. (I am very muscular, have always played some type of sport so I carry my weight well, but wanted to be healthier and tone up.) I exercise 3 or more times a week, cardio. I have started eating better and I'm on my 2nd week counting calories on this site. I recently had some blood work (routine) and my cholesterol is very high. I am pretty sure it's mostly genetics because my husband's level was 100 pts higher than mine and I eat way healthier than he does and I exercise, he doesn't. Anyone got any tips on anything I can do to lower this? I go for my yearly physical in September. I just turned 40 in February and I feel sure they will put me on meds at my yearly if I can't get this lower by then....HELP!!! I don't want to take Cholesterol lowering medications!!


  • smill101
    smill101 Posts: 15
    I was put on medication (Statins) 12 months ago to reduce my cholesterol. My diet wasn't particularly healthy at the time but my consultant said that it was probably due to hereditary rather that dietary reasons (my father also has high cholesterol levels). High cholesterol doesn't necessarily come hand in hand with poor eating habits or being over weight, but a good diet can help.
    Try Oat based meals like porridge, there's also a dairy substitute based product called Benecol (yogurts, spreads, cheeses) that's been proven to reduce cholesterol levels.
    There's also the obvious dietary conclusion of staying clear of animal fats & red meat.
    Best of luck.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Lowering cholesterol = exercise + eating in moderation, particularly carbohydrates.

    dont take medication, keep eating your eggs and meats because thats not the problem dont believe the myth that those foods are horrible for the heart.
  • jwlav
    jwlav Posts: 31

    How is your liver? I was having some liver issues associated with a fatty liver. Now that I am getting that condition under control my blood work is falling in line as well with no medication. I take a supplement that helps the liver heal up and process all that cholesterol and crap in the blood. if you are interested I can post some links to the diet and supplement I am using.
  • seareed
    seareed Posts: 1
    Hi, oatbran mixed with porrige is really good, also increase your intake of good fats try Omega oil supplements,
    the theory is the good fat takes the bad out your body. If you need to cook with fat (oil) try cocount oil available in tesco
    stores in a jar usually in the ethnic section. Hope this helps x
  • cindyhow27
    cindyhow27 Posts: 7 Member
    If you are already taking the steps to improve your diet (cutting out red meat etc) - Fish Oil pills can help lower your cholesterol. Some ppl have high cholesterol even with eating a completely health diet, it can be hereditary.
  • mindfulmunching
    mindfulmunching Posts: 62 Member
    cayenne pepper
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    I ahve had cholesterol issues since I was a little girl.

    1. Add fiber to your diet. I used to stir in fiber supplements into my coffee and my water. They have unflavored ones that mix in very well; I prefer Benefiber. I also eat oatmeal pretty much every day for breakfast (I feel this gives my metabolism an addded boost as well.)

    2. Switch from canned veggies to fresh or frozen. This cuts down on the sodium. Also, take the salt shaker off the table. The faster you get used to eating foods without a lot of salt, the better.

    3. Cut down on the red meat. I only eat red meat one or two meals per week. The rest is chicken or fish with an occasional pork dish. I also switched my beef out for venison which is leaner and better for you. If you have the option to switch, do it. Turkey burger works well in burgers and tacos so I don't really miss the beef (except for a steak maybe once per month.)

    4. Some people differ on eggs. I still eat them and I eat the whole thing. A lot of doctors recommend egg whites but I just can't make the switch. I know a lot of people on here have and seem to have no trouble though.

    5. Cheese. Another place where people differ. I buy regular cheese but I try to use it sparingly. A sprinkle here and there instead of a huge gooey pile on top of my food.

    I noticed the biggest difference with #1 and #2 on my list.
  • jvsings
    jvsings Posts: 4 Member
    Adding fiber to your diet daily will help lower cholesterol. If your high cholesterol is genetic, dietary factors won't improve though..... only meds.
  • nannabannana
    bump...I have not had mine checked since Dec. 2011, however I go bk to my Dr. in May or June..My previous Primary care Dr. said some peoples cholestrol does not come down unless they WALK everyday. Later after being told that, I met an older lady...skinny as a post, she told me medicine had not helped her. WALKING....a 90 lb woman....That is the best advice, plus watching your sweets. etc.
  • nannabannana
    I ahve had cholesterol issues since I was a little girl.

    1. Add fiber to your diet. I used to stir in fiber supplements into my coffee and my water. They have unflavored ones that mix in very well; I prefer Benefiber. I also eat oatmeal pretty much every day for breakfast (I feel this gives my metabolism an addded boost as well.)

    2. Switch from canned veggies to fresh or frozen. This cuts down on the sodium. Also, take the salt shaker off the table. The faster you get used to eating foods without a lot of salt, the better.

    3. Cut down on the red meat. I only eat red meat one or two meals per week. The rest is chicken or fish with an occasional pork dish. I also switched my beef out for venison which is leaner and better for you. If you have the option to switch, do it. Turkey burger works well in burgers and tacos so I don't really miss the beef (except for a steak maybe once per month.)

    4. Some people differ on eggs. I still eat them and I eat the whole thing. A lot of doctors recommend egg whites but I just can't make the switch. I know a lot of people on here have and seem to have no trouble though.

    5. Cheese. Another place where people differ. I buy regular cheese but I try to use it sparingly. A sprinkle here and there instead of a huge gooey pile on top of my food.

    I noticed the biggest difference with #1 and #2 on my list.

    I have heard that also. You are doing great.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member

    4. Some people differ on eggs. I still eat them and I eat the whole thing. A lot of doctors recommend egg whites but I just can't make the switch. I know a lot of people on here have and seem to have no trouble though.

    not eating whole eggs is the most ridiculous thing ever... doctors know very little on actual nutrition.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I'm a 42 yo female. Weight = 145. Height = 5'1". I also carry my weight well (I'm a size 9, sometimes 7 but I don't like tight clothes)
    Cholesterol, Diabetes, and High Blood pressure are all diet/vitamin/exercise controlled.

    Vitamins: I take 1 Niacin, 2 omega-3 fish oil pills, and one multivitamin with iron each day.

    Diet: I eat almonds everyday (6 at a time throughout the day - 40 cal a serving), 1 - 2 apples everyday (granny smith are best) and strawberries and other berries when they are in season. Oatmeal is breakfast of choice =) (with cinnamon, no sugar although I eat quaker low sugar apple/cinnamon when I'm in a rush). I have fish (trout, salmon, and sushi grade tuna are best but I love tilapia and mahi mahi) and chicken as my protein most meals (Sunday is the exception, it's my cheat day).

    Exercise: 30 minutes intense cardio (combo running/incline walking) and minimum 15 minutes of sit-ups, leg lifts, butt tucks, etc. 5 days a week. Yoga on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I also usually start my day with a quick 10 minute walk, or some easy sit-ups (slow), knee bends, etc. just to get the blood pumping.

    Everyone is different so it's whatever your doc recommends.

    Here's a link for you:

    Best of luck!
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    Bump - I'm trying to lower mine as well. Won't know if my efforts have been successful until my next physical in July. It was never an issue before, so I'm sure mine is diet/weight related.
  • msprouse8
    msprouse8 Posts: 85 Member
    Yay!! Thanks for the advice!! Some of these things I'm already doing....I eat red meat once a week probably. I eat Vennison mostly or Chicken. ( My husband is an avid deer hunter) Most of my vegetables are frozen ( I put up garden veggies in the freezer during the summer). I exercise, rarely salt my food. I really think a lot of mine is due to family history. So....I'm making a list of the things suggested and will incorporate a few of these things into my daily regimen such as fish oil, fiber...etc. I can't eat oatmeal....I have a sensitive palate...Mushy foods cause me to involuntarily gag! It sucks...I can't even eat banannas or yogurt......I'm going to keep trying and check it again before my physical. It just SUCKS to sit and watch my husband eat JUNK and stuff I don't touch and his is 140 and mine is 240.......(better than 300 like it was in my mid 20's). Thanks again!!
  • msprouse8
    msprouse8 Posts: 85 Member
    Leslisa...I tried Niacin once when it was really high in my 20's.......BAD does it do for you???
  • duetwithjosh
    Are you taking omega-3s? If not, take fish oil daily and try adding chia seeds to your salads. :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    There's so much more to cholesterol than the total number. What's you HDL to LDL ratio? How are your BP and triglycerides?

    To lower it, high fiber diets are good. Also, make sure you're getting plenty of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, fruits and veggies and plenty of exercise.

    My cholesterol is very high due to genetics, but all my other numbers (and my HDL) are excellent, so I don't worry about it. My grandmother's cholesterol is 300 when she's on medication, but at 96 years old she's never had heart problems or a stroke.
  • lunaliberi
    One thing that has really helped me are Egg Beaters, in the carton. Much less cholesterol, but you still get the protein you need, and honestly, they taste great.
  • ninaquelinda
    thanks for posting this topic, reminds me to get mine checked. I had high cholesterol when I was a teen and now both of my kids have it... don't really want to turn to meds.
  • msprouse8
    msprouse8 Posts: 85 Member

    How is your liver? I was having some liver issues associated with a fatty liver. Now that I am getting that condition under control my blood work is falling in line as well with no medication. I take a supplement that helps the liver heal up and process all that cholesterol and crap in the blood. if you are interested I can post some links to the diet and supplement I am using.

    Hey... My liver is fine. The only issues I've ever had was when I was pregnant and had pre-eclampsia (pregnancy induced high blood pressure).....They had to induce labor at 8 months because they were afraid the affects my blood pressure was having on my liver. No issues with blood pressure at all before or after pregnancy though.