anyone strugge with late night eating?



  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I've gotten much better about this than when I started this journey. Now I tend to eat more during the day and don't get the late night munchies like I used to. When I did here are a few things I tried. A handful of nuts and a large glass of water. Canned green beans and a large glass of water. A dill pickle with you guessed it a large glass of water. 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese.

    Yes, I am so with you on the green beans and pickle. I eat a can of green beans almost every day because I just love to eat. I think I would be better as some sort of grazing animal lol.

    I eat green beans with some pepper and salt and thats usually good enough for me. If you crave sweets rather than savories, try a popsicle. Mine are 75cals each but I usually can't finish one.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I try to figure out why I'm hungry first. Did I skip breakfast? Did I have my snacks through the day? After that I have a few things I do depending on how hungry I am and the situation.

    First, I always drink a glass of water. A lot of times I'm thirsty and not hungry and my body's giving wacked signals. If I want something with a "taste" I drink a cup of herb tea (I like lemon ginger and cinnamon). I mean I drink 8 glasses of water a day minimum and sometimes I just want that "pop" of a strong flavor.

    If I'm PMSing and craving chocolate I eat a square of 70% dark chocolate (27 calories for some, 45 calories for others).

    And finally if I really want food, I try to eat a fat blocker food like 12 almonds (80 calories) on a bed of greens (depending on the green, up to 50 calories) with or without a low cal dressing or a pure protein (carbs tend to really mess me up in the weight loss department) like a microwaved piece of fish or something. When I go this route, I usually sit at the kitchen table and actually eat so I feel like I got something out of it.

    I try to avoid snacking in front of the tele so I often do things to keep my hands busy like knitting, hemming, working on baseball stats, even working on the computer, anything to keep my hands out of the snack bag cause once I start in front of the TV I have a really hard time putting the popcorn down.

    As far as weekends go, Sunday is my cheat day. 1500 calories on Sunday so I'm pretty good to go there.
  • SouthernSweetie74
    I used to have this problem, especially when I would skip lunch altogether. Now, I drink more water. Lots more, which helps me feel full. I am drinking water constantly. I eat smaller portions throughout the day, instead of a big meal. And I do save my calories for night time. During the day, I eat low calorie foods, enough to sustain me. And if I feel the need for a night time snack, I opt for fruit or something low calorie.

    You have to find what works for you.

    You can do this!!! Good luck.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member

    I go to bed.

    Seriously, people, there's this book y'all should read. It's called GO THE F* TO SLEEP!

    hitting the sheets by 10p every night will help your weight loss in more ways than you realize :)

    Despite the tone of this post I agree with you!! I go to bed about 10pm every night, read till I get sleepy and then go to sleep. I often get up earlier than needed in the morning as a result but then I'm allowed to have breakfast so it doesn't really matter!

    The tone is laughing & slapping up the sides of heads. :P