I just arrived yesterday

I am a 72 year old male, live in Southwest Virginia, retired tax accountant, Rotarian, Episcopalian, love to pick bluegrass on guitar, follow the Washington Nationals baseball team. Member of the Board of Trustees, Boys' Home, Covington, VA, www.boyshomeinc.com. More about me at https://www.facebook.com/****litton.

Have had the same bride for 47 years, have two sons and three grandchildren. Wife, Jan, an excellent cook, prepares nutricious meals, about 1,700 calories per day. I have to have a few snacks daily to keep from wasting away.

I started on Sparkpeople.com the first of this year and lost 30 lbs. (my goal) in 3-1/2 months, now on weight maintenance. Sparkpeople is an excellent diet and fitness tool, but I think My Fitness Pal may be better: better food database and better tracking software. Glad I found it.

I like to exercise every day but am limited now by lower back pain, trying to get that repaired by a chiropractor, seems to be helping.