Marathon runners advice?

loren Posts: 111
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
So I'm obviously not the most fit person, but for some reason I really want to try to run a half marathon in February. Any thoughts?

I also wanted to ask experienced runners... When I was a child I use to have asthma pretty bad. I don't have any problems with it now unless I have bronchitis. Will I be ok?


  • Kamille84
    Kamille84 Posts: 32
    Hey there! has great free training plans and advice for all levels of runners. I started running last year and absolutely love it! I ran a half marathon using one of their training programs. I'm actually training for a 10k in July, just started last week. I also have asthma, and I have used my inhaler only 4 or 5 times in the last couple of years, and it was when I got sick. I actually think I have grown out of my asthma(if that's even possible!) So you should go for it! Good luck :happy:
  • I also want to train for a half marathon..... i acually started training on monday. I got my training schedule from it is a ten week schedule, but they advice you be able to run 30 min without stopping before starting the 10 week session.....the hardest part is to get motivated to run, especially since NO ONE will do it with me. I encourage you to go for it!!!!!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    a) train well, you have plenty of time, get some schedules from the internet

    b) no one knows 'til you run
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    Thanks! I have a 26 wk training schedule. I'm going to start now just to see how I do and how dedicated I am before I sign up and then if all goes well start over when the marathon is 26 weeks away. Anyone want to do the marathon with me?
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    a lot of people here have done the couch to 5 K program. I am starting Monday.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm running a 1/2 Marathon on Sunday. I haven't really trained, but am strong in Cardio, so I should be ok. I ran it last year with a sling on, after building up fitness with Hip Hop Abs, etc and did great. Just rememeber, it's not a race, you're just to do your personal best. I thought I'd be walking the whole thing, and jogged most of it. It's all about the PACE....:drinker:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I plan on running a half marathon in December. I have asthma and two bad knees but I started in April with the couch to 5K program, and now that I can run 3miles I am starting with the program. I am starting with a 10 week program to run a 10K in September than another program to go from 10K to 1/2 marathon. I am also getting a Polar FT60G1 to help me with training. It suggestest intenstiy levels based on your heart rate and goals. I am hoping to have it help me with whether I am overtraining or under cutting the intensity of my workouts.

    Good Luck. I :heart: running.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I LOVE

    For my actual marathons (26.2) I am following Hal Higdon programs.

    Just know that 26 weeks is a LONG time for "training" so dont beat yourself up if you have some off weeks. I only train for the fulls for 16-18 weeks. Listen to your body

    My other advice if you need to skip a run day never be it your long day. Even if you have to walk the whole thing dont skip it.

    You can also look into joining a running club. There are some great ones out there. They can train you how to run or run/walk and get you thru. The rock and rolls are so MUCH FUN. That morning look for a pace group , you can just go up to the signs that have a time you would like to finish in and follow them, you can do so for free and the pacer will get you home to your free beer :) Have fun! wish I could do it with you but I have Rock and Roll VA Beach 1/2, then NYC marathon and then Disney marathon so there is no way I could swing to New Orleans for money reasons. from NC
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    I just signed up to do a half marathon through team in training which benefits the leukemia and lymphoma society. They offer ones close to your area or fun destination places. I know I need the group setting in order to suceed so I thought I would suggest it to you! :)
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