Boredom Snacking - What do you do when you HAVE to be bored?



  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 162 Member
    Celery and sweet chili houmous is my go-to if it has to be food! But portions are important. It's just as easy to eat 100g of something as 50g of something, so if it's divided up, there's just as much psychological satisfaction in finishing a small snack as a bigger snack. That's why I never bought things like party bags of doritos, because I could so easily eat them all, just as easy as an individual bag.
  • agrzybow
    agrzybow Posts: 38 Member
    These are awesome suggestions! I drink tea when I am feeling the munchies coming on. I have a variety of herbal teas to drink in the evening, and my favorite is chocolate mint truffle! Smells chocolaty and is satisfying, and you have to sip tea sloooowwwwly. I keep the water hot on the stove, so I continually add water and sip.

    Gum and popcorn are great suggestions, too!
  • I definitely know how you feel! I sit for 8-9 hours a day in front of a computer for my job. I constantly want to snack, especially with an office full of people that love to grab fast food all day. It's a struggle! A BIG one! The best thing to do is drink LOTS of water! It really fills you up; so when you think of snacking you'll be to full to actually want to look for something. Other than that, keep the fridge and pantry fully stocked with easy to reach healthy snacks. Emerald coco almonds or the cinnamon ones, fruits, celery, peanut butter, balance and protein bars (half a bar is a snack). Stay away from diet sodas and drinks. Honestly water is the best, and you CAN have fun with it..add things to it! Its like have a water cocktail. I love water with strawberries and mint in it, lemon & lime, sliced blueberries and raspberries, whatever you want!

    Good luck! You can do it! :)
  • I am a nursing student so I feeI your pain.. just started in the group but I couldn't help but to share what helps me...I chew gum or I sip hot keeps me busy while i'm studying and suprisingly full...GoodLuck!!!!!
  • sade717
    sade717 Posts: 16 Member
    I have been working at a resort for the last three years and the area where I work has endless shelves of candies and chips and brownies...and so on. I eventually resulted to bringing hoards upon hoards of healthy snacks with me so that I wasn't tempted, well TOO tempted :)