Night shift help!! please

I'm still searching for my summer body and was doing really well, running up to 3 miles a day and watching what I was eating...then night shift started about 6 weeks ago. I haven't gained, but I haven't lost.
Night shift nurses eat eat eat. I know I need to stay out of the break room to avoid that, but my energy is just zapped after taking care of my 2 boys all day as well...
Anyone have some energy boosters that can help me out here. I need enough energy to start getting in at least a little exercise! more than just pulling the wagon to the park!
Advice please!!!


  • LB12
    LB12 Posts: 12
    Aww I've been there before:ohwell: It's sooooo hard but, what I have learned is that the most important thing you need to make sure you get is plenty of SLEEP. I would sleep about 5 hrs everyday and it was awful!! I'd eat and eat :angry: Try to sneak in a little cardio whenever you can....even if its just 25 mins...drink plenty of water. I wish you the best!! Good luck!!:bigsmile:

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    It's kind of a catch-22 ... exercise will give you more energy, hehe. You just have to start moving first.
  • blindrn
    blindrn Posts: 12
    I, too, work night shift. However, when we do have food, it's usually food we all choose to bring in. We have all be working on only bringing healthy choices. It's good for everyone. I always pack my own dinner and keep my overall calories about 500 short of what I'm allowed for the day. That way, if I want to snack a bit on food that is at work, I can do so knowing I won't go over my calories.

    Also, taking a quick walk on my lunch break always helps too!

    Good luck.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I started a new job and work the aft shift 3:30 - 11:30 - and this helped me get into the proper motivation.

    I now have time to make sure I have my lunch, dinner and snacks packed, so I have lots of healthier food to eat.

    When it's break time and the other nurses go and snack.
    If you have already had one of your 5-6 meals, then take that time to go for a refreshing walk.

    As ghanie said, more exercise with give you more energy.
    Start again with baby steps in your new environment, and don't let old habits get in your way.
    Good luck.
  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    I work the night shift too.
    I've gotten to the point where I will only bring healthy foods with me so that if I feel like I must eat, I can do it without undoing my day. I usually bring cucumbers or pineapple, cereal with organic (less cals than regular) skim milk, and make sure to have lots of water in the fridge so it's nice and cold and appealing.