Just started and just generally looking for support!

I'm currently 142 lbs and although not hugely overweight for my height (5ft 7in) i have put on nearly 3 stone since quitting cheerleading 3 years ago. I don't want to be as slim as i was cos i was tiny but the flat stomach and toned arms and legs would be nice!

I've also been a vegetarian since i was 8 (i'm 20 now) and sometimes find it difficult to eat less fat but also get all the nutrients i need.

Would love to speak to anyone who has any tips or just general support as i've only just started my fitness plan.

Maddie x


  • jmcveigh46799
    Hi my names jenny. I am also new to MFP and i am also looking for support. Wow cheerleading? I bet you that was good fun?! I have just started the couch to 5k running programme and its fantastic! I have my best friend and family to support me along the way but would love more people that are in the same boat as me to talk to :)

    jenny x